快好知 kuaihz

(61) How then did this apolitical, academic subject come to play such an important part in the development of Marxism? (62) The fathers of Marxism are treated as subjects, and their names are not encircled by warning quotation marks. (63) There was a basic discrepancy between the revolutionary tenets of Marxism and surrealism. (64) For the sake of simplicity, this introductory chapter will concentrate upon one conflict theory: Marxism. (65) But in this instance, comrade Preobrazhensky has completely forgotten about this fundamental methodological demand of Marxism. (66) The kind of ideological politics which he castigates as non-Conservative covers monetarism as well as Marxism. (67) During the 1880s Marxism began to gain currency among the revolutionary intelligentsia. (68) For a significant minority, Marxism remained a callous and abstract scheme. (69) Marxism, in short, constitutes the intellectual, moral and aesthetic guidelines of revolutionary literature. (70) From the early 1890s Marxism caught on among young radicals with remarkable speed. (71) It was dominated from the start by Marxism, proclaiming the industrial proletariat as saviours of the human race. (72) Michael Ryan has looked for a rapprochement between deconstruction and Marxism. (73) We call this a radical pluralist position, since it represents a compromise between Marxism and the pluralist tradition in sociology. (74) I will tell you frankly the word Marxism is very boring to me. (75) It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology. (76) Marxism sees bureaucratic power as a matter of relations between classes. (77) Actually, Marxism is not abstruse. (78) We should study the basic principles of Marxism Leninism. (79) The essence of Marxism lies in its revolutionary dialectics. (80) Li Da-zhao was the inaugurator Marxism aesthetics in China. (81) Marxism reveals the logical core of archive information multiplication. (82) Marxist historiography has stood Marxism on its head. (83) Marxism believes in the primacy of matter. (84) We study Marxism Leninism not for display. (85) Both dogmatism and revisionism run counter to Marxism. (86) Certain Communists who have allegedly grasped Marxism merIt'special attention. (87) Materialistic dialectics is an important part of constituting Marxism. (88) We must sublate it with Marxism theory of truth. (89) Marxism faith is magistral faith of China. (90) Therefore, it is inevitable to sinicize Marxism.