快好知 kuaihz

61, I was stretched full-length upon the bodies, my battered hand resting on the rim of the tub. 62, Last night she had washed her hair in the metal tub, and today it shone. 63, It pounded the soft earth and gurgled along the gutters to splash with relentless monotony into the tub outside the back door. 64, One reveller was already pouring bubble bath into a huge hot tub so he and his partner could frolic in the suds. 65, An explosion would have made a mess of them, and matchsticks of that tub. 66, Don't wash a down bag in a washing machine, but by hand in the bath tub. 67, She closed the door, then turned on the faucets in the tub. 68, Most people, having no better use for the bath, filled the tub with coal. 69, Add one teaspoon urine from the tub in the basement of the Mineshaft. 70, Very slowly I took my weight on the good hand and slid my feet over the rim of the tub. 71, Once again I scraped them off and placed them in a margarine tub. 72, My knees appeared and disappeared in the mists rising from the tub. 73, How could I let my only boy on that top-heavy tub? 74, All I want to hear is the sound of the wind rushing through this funky old tub. 75, We laughed, but she ignored my nails and I no longer got invited into the tub with her. 76, A couple of pieces of jewelry in the tub with him. 77, Even that fat court officer over there,[www.] that tub Kamiiisky. 78, A sixteen-room hotel with a hot tub out back, and no guests. 79, My sunken plastic bath better than your old cast-iron tub. 80, Some sparrows invaded that privacy, crossing from parapet rail to chair to flower tub. 81, Hard round metallic objects tried to crush her and a large cold tub with ice on its sides almost squashed her completely. 82, Jen said, sweeping aside the shower curtain and sitting down on the edge of the tub. 83, Cold, cooked jacket potato plus a tub of salad, sandwich filling, or dip. 84, Still, near a kettle; still, at the churn; still, at the tub and ironing board. 85, In front of the range stood the large copper tub. 86, Tom pulled the voluminous nightshirt over his head and threw it into a copper tub with the sheets. 87, Have you been trawling the sales and picking up every urn and tub that caught your fancy? 88, The condo was beautiful, and they had plenty of privacy, with a hot tub in a little private garden. 89, So we have to make the bath tub and then fill it with water. 90, But if you want to try a hot tub I can do better than that.