快好知 kuaihz

121, Your mission this week is to jump into a Tahitian hot tub and experience the stars. 122, The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor. 123, She take a dipper of hot suds from the tub. 124, Queen: Is he out of his mind? Lunch in the tub? Oh, my dear! 125, In the hot tub, she always said to herself, that she had been using all her flaccidity to fight against Thomas in her whole life. 126, I'll admit that now and again he had a sort of tub - thumping eloquence. 127, Why it's better: By supplementing those Minnie Mouse portions of prepackaged beef Stroganoff with a tub of salad, dieters complain less about being hungry. 128, Description : Oneida building has this large tub installed, strictly for luxurious relaxation. 129, Additionally, because a woman can put on a female condom before getting into the pool, Jacuzzi, or hot tub, it is considered a more discreet contraceptive method. 130, Always secure the safety cover on your spa or hot tub. 131, Patients lie in a large tub of warm water that is linked to an electronic device. 132, "But lighting many paraffin candles every day for years or lighting them frequently in an unventilated bathroom around a tub, for example, may cause problems, " he stated. 133, Is there enough water in the tub to float your boat? 134, Pour some fragrant bath oil into the tub and gently bathe her from head to toe. 135, I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub. 136, This paper introduces the operational principle and design of high consistency pulper in laboratory, especially expatiating on the significant part, such as the rotor,[http:///tub.html] tub etc. 137, The carbon plate chassis conversion kit converts all Shark-18 models from the standard plastic tub chassis to a high-performance platform of carbon plate chassis and top deck. 138, Let her soak in the tub for about 25 minutes. 139, Do not use this water heater in conjunction with a spa or hot tub. 140, I got in the big old wide - bottomed tub with the lion's feet. 141, Jet quietly outgrew her small water tub, so we purchased a kiddy pool and propped a board on the edge to serve as a ramp. 142, We think of droughts, crop failure, conflicts and the 2 tub - thumping of Bono and Bob Geldof. 143, Everywhere we go this night, the shopping area of Patras is dominated by tub - thumping . 144, A wash and brush-up is not superfluous when one leaves the tub in which the Mollusc has been treated. 145, Human Female - " I like to fart in the tub. " 146, In the hot tub sat a woman dressed in a soaking tracksuit, her head covered with a head scarf. 147, Access to exclusive private courtyard area with pool, hot tub and sundeck. 148, What do you think will happen if we take the copper-bottom pot out of the tub and use a single penny instead? 149, A week later, the baby will be ritually bathed in a cedar tub by a courtier while auspicious texts, written in classic Chinese literary style and wishing it good health and fortune, are read aloud. 150, Yes, my rubber ducky keeps me company in the tub.