快好知 kuaihz

31. In Donoghue v. Stevenson we see the synthesis of the previous decisions on the tort of negligence. 32. A particular difficulty about task synthesis is that there is no easy way of confirming completeness. 33. In modern commercial synthesis graphite is mixed with a metal solvent - cobalt or nickel is used today. 34. Some of these products have been shown to induce ET-1 synthesis and release in various cell types. 35. What you hear will incorporate high-fidelity sound, speech synthesis, and speech recognition. 36. If a reader comprehends the synthesis, then indeed it does not matter where one commences to read. 37. Rat sciatic nerve Schwann cells were assayed for incorporation of DNA synthesis precursors, as described. 38. Much evidence now exists which shows that hypochlorites inhibit collagen synthesis and cause irreversible damage to the micro-circulation. 39. The rate of liver protein synthesis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease was 43% higher than the control group of patients. 40. Such diurnal variations may possibly explain why two of the patients showed increased bile acid synthesis but normal SeHCAT values. 41. This is used to separate the products of an organic synthesis from water. 42. Speech synthesis units are being incorporated into cars like the Maestro as part of the standard instrumentation. 43. The synthesis of modifications in the anticodon stem and loop were shown to be the most sensitive ones. 44. Chemists know that oxygen-free climates like this tend to foster the spontaneous synthesis of organic compounds. 45. The increase in laminin concentrations in these patients could be due to increased synthesis by Ito cells. 46. These reports suggested that inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis was unlikely to be sole mechanism responsible for the gastric damage induced by indomethacin. 47. In the original neoclassical synthesis the practical relevance of a process of price deflation for establishing full employment was regarded as minimal. 48. Linoleic acid is a precursor of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid. 49. In conclusion, we investigated the influence of Helicobacter pylori colonisation on gastric mucosal eicosanoid synthesis in patients taking NSAIDs. 50. The contribution, therefore, of the pathological colon to this increased whole body protein synthesis and breakdown was unknown. 51. In other respects the book has changed little and there is no attempt to deal with organic synthesis in its own right. 52. Moreover, there are no data in healthy man regarding the contribution that the colonic mucosa makes to whole body protein synthesis. 53. This assumes that the plasma free amino acid pool is representative of the precursor for pancreatic enzyme synthesis. 54. To add to the confusion, we are not even certain about the biochemical pathway of vitamin C synthesis in plants. 55. An interesting development is the direct synthesis of acetic anhydride, used to make cellulose acetate for photographic film base. 56. Areas such as vision, continuous speech recognition and synthesis, and machine learning have been hard. 57. Steroids inhibit the synthesis of all the eicosanoids; they reduce late radiation induced fibrosis in experimental models. 58. Art can be created by groups, producing output that is a synthesis of their likes and dislikes. 59. It also needs long periods of ecological stability during which evolutionary epochs can bring about the necessary organic synthesis. 60. Indeed, animal studies have shown that the presence of a tumour results in increased hepatic protein synthesis.