快好知 kuaihz

31. Everything was so unfair, so bitterly frustrating. 32. That's what makes it so frustrating. 33. As more people log on, they experience frustrating delays. 34. But their frustrating, slow tempo is only half the reason. 35. The Ford stake is aimed at frustrating the proposed deal between Jaguar and General Motors. 36. The basics of searching Searching the Internet for information can be both a frustrating experience and a rewarding one. 37. It was so frustrating because I wanted to please our customers, but! was constantly having to say no. 38. The vagueness of guidelines and frequent and inconsistent ministerial interventions were frustrating for management of nationalized boards. 39. In this case, it was very frustrating because we almost had a jury. 40. But despite the desire, most people still find it frustrating to turn their ideas into actuality. 41. Many callers have had frustrating experiences with customer service lines. 42. The editor then began a long and frustrating effort to obtain permission. 43. One of the most frustrating aspects of the game is its combat system, particularly the process of making soldiers. 44. He finished second to Strike the Gold in the 1991 Kentucky Derby in a frustrating trip from post 15. 45. Of course, there are times when it's frustrating - it can take me twice as long to find anything, for example. 46. What made it so frustrating for us all was that we knew we shouldn't have lost that series. 47. George said he always found it frustrating to play with Robbie because his son rarely seemed interested in playing with him. 48. But it is full of frustrating inconsistencies, with the central auto-da-fe scene standing out in almost shocking relief from everything else. 49. All this is by way of saying the ego of film makers is a very frustrating thing. 50. A lesson had been learned, but not fully accepted im-mediately, and it was enormously frustrating. 51. Most notably, it bans firms from frustrating a bidder by crippling themselves with debt or swallowing poison pills. 51.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 52. Once we're found that favourite shape, there is nothing more frustrating than discovering that fashion has made it obsolete. 53. It is frustrating, confusing and severely diminishes the pleasure the writing could bring. 54. It's bad enough trying to fly with unequal line lengths; having an asymmetric kite can be most frustrating! 55. It did mean that keeping the Seayak on a bearing in a big sea was a somewhat tiring and frustrating battle. 56. The conspiracy succeeded in frustrating the United Nations war crimes investigation. 57. Which is precisely why the new data on women and drinking is so frustrating. 58. Indeed, many of my hon. Friends find it frustrating that regional issues are seldom debated in the House. 59. Of course, this is the most frustrating way to think about school reform. 60. Help at hand Away with vine weevil Pippa Greenwood outwits this frustrating plant predator.