快好知 kuaihz

121. On top of this, dealing with recalcitrant debtors can be very frustrating, but where do you vent your feelings? 122. Top 20 games are now almost never converted to run on it, which purchasers would find very frustrating. 123. I moan to Mum about the way I look and she finds that very frustrating. 124. What You Can Do Mealtimes can be a frustrating experience with a strong willed preschooler, but trust in the fact they do actually listen to you and pay attention to the foods brought into the house. 125. Though the condition may be frustrating for Romberg, her husband Glenn told "GMA" he was more worried about her than about her voice. 126. Odom is the Lakers'great enigma, perhaps the most perplexing, confounding, frustrating player in the NBA. 127. That wine tasting is a subjective experience is vividly illustrated by this frustrating phenomenon. 128. It does get frustrating fighting so many losing battles, but I never expected anything different. 129. This behavior might be frustrating to users if your application is a text-editing program that they have been using for an extended period of time. 130. Paulsen had grown increasingly bitter of late about the frustrating delays in having plans approved. 131. It must be terribly frustrating to lobby and get absolutely nowhere. 132. Oftentimes, not knowing how or where to start is frustrating. 133. Axillary malodor ( osmidrosis ) of Asian people, especially in the warm, humid subtropical and tropical south eastern Asia, is a common, troublesome and frustrating problem. 134. Kevin: I am, I've been having a very frustrating day so far. 135. That, he acknowledges, will require a small rocket, like the attitude control jets on the shuttle, to move out of Earth orbit, perhaps frustrating to a purist. 136. The costs continued to rankle with those who thought manned space flight a waste of money, and three decades spent stuck in low-Earth orbit never stopped frustrating those who wanted to go farther. 137. Without these tools, owning a Doberman can be a frustrating and difficult experience. 138. But it's also frustrating not having Darrell Arthur ( pectoral surgery ) here. 139. Cherie: I know. It can be really frustrating at times. 140. Some players just gravitate towards certain mechanics and find others bland or frustrating. 141. For a place with such a grand history (home of William Gladstone, the Beatles and colossal merchant wealth during Britain's imperial period), and such a strong sense of identity, it is frustrating. 142. Alonso scored the opener after 70 frustrating minutes last time Liverpool faced Blackburn back in December. 143. "I have trouble remembering names and the most frustrating is when they are names of people I know really well, I just can't bring the name to the surface, " Sabin says. 144. With dizziness insomnia, five frustrating heat, night sweat, apical dishes, pulse counting. 145. If the tongue is tense, that tension will carry over into the embouchure (and vice versa), interfering with vibration of the reed and frustrating the player. 146. I know sometimes it's frustrating to watch them underachieve , but what right have we to blame them? 147. There is nothing more frustrating for a businessman than failing to meet the sales target. 148. For some, I imagine, this would be a disconcerting, frustrating experience, but I quickly got used to this linguistic interzone. 149. Inquisitor Malorum , one of the Emperor's key agents in this period, found Apailana's little gestures frustrating. 150. An SSL VPN that simply denies users access as if they had typed an incorrect password would lead to numerous frustrating helpdesk calls to an already overburdened support department.