tricky造句61 But the tricky part was taking off and putting on the cables.
62 Indeed deliberately making all the tricky names into anagrams may be an easier way to work through the map for non-Gaelic speakers.
63 The Bureau can make legal demands that MI5 would find much more tricky.
64 But as a headache remedy, caffeine can be tricky to manage.
65 It is the subjective nature of ethnicity which can make it tricky to handle as a speaker variable.
66 Kennedy, seeking to deflate the pressure, resorted to a tricky tactic.
67 Getting my zimmer frame into the boat is a bit tricky!
68 As it's a beta version, it's tricky to give ClarisWorks a star rating.
69 It would be very tricky to try to stabilize the region without the support of other countries.
70 It was a tricky situation that called for a lot of diplomacy.
71 Brilliantly designed, very realistic and, despite being a tad tricky to master at first, incredibly playable.
72 It was tricky work, which Trondur directed, to loop the belts around the raft and then pull them tight.
73 And on your way upstairs, don't forget the bannisters and those tricky areas in between the rails on your staircase.
74 Yet the skill it has shown in the last three weeks suggests it is well equipped for the tricky tasks ahead..
75 Instead, agencies find they must tread a tricky path between the competing claims of state regulation and free enterprise.
76 How had Lisa managed that tricky bit at the end of the first act?
77 And that is why estimating the cost of any action involving lawyers can be tricky.
78 This can be a very tricky area as most people are self.conscious in front of the camera.
79 Teachers often have to deal with tricky situations such as interviews with angry parents.
80 I was on a tricky bend, the road falling away sharply and badly in need of a grader.
81 He lost control of the bike on a turn that is pretty tricky when it's raining.
82 The bill is a key issue, but the congressional situation is tricky.
83 He could chip his golf ball with precision and was an astute reader of tricky greens, especially on long putts.
84 Depending on where your drive ends up you will face a tricky second shot to a long, narrow green.
85 It is not to any degree tricky, subtle, or surreal.
86 Finding out the exact proportions and method of preparation will take some time and be a very tricky operation.
87 The public inscription, like public sculpture, is in a tricky political position today.
88 This is tricky business unless you know what you are doing and are very careful.
89 Money experts now begin the tricky business of divining the fate of the economy.
90 Spying is a tricky business, not a subject suitable for close public scrutiny.