快好知 kuaihz

1. Ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations. 2. He said his ethnicity had not been important to him. 3. In fact, they tried to ignore their ethnicity altogether. 4. We must beware of the use of ethnicity to wrap a spurious cloak of legitimacy around the speaker who invokes it. 5. It is the subjective nature of ethnicity which can make it tricky to handle as a speaker variable. 6. This is not to suggest that ethnicity did not play any part in the front's activities. 7. In other words, nationalism belongs with political theory, ethnicity with sociology or social anthropology. 8. Anyway, ethnicity is one way of filling the empty containers of nationalism. 9. Ethnicity, to use modern terminology, occupied more of the tsar's attention than diplomacy. 10. Name the ethnicity, tax bracket or wardrobe, and they were there in full force. 11. As yet links between gender and ethnicity are little understood. 12. Other risk factors, not related to ethnicity, probably explain remaining differences between Maori and non-Maori children. 13. Household size, marital status, and ethnicity all failed to show a significant influence in the participation model. 14. Ethnicity represents another important dimension of money transfers, but this is not visible in most specialist studies of family relationships. 15. Manifestations of ethnicity that are exclusive of others or that hold the potential to generate conflict tend to be avoided. 16. Many factors are important, for example class, gender, age and ethnicity. 17. His few educated or moneyed followers came from among people rendered marginal by ethnicity or factional misfortune. 18. Social studies textbooks have only comparatively recently begun to include gender as an area of study alongside social class or ethnicity. 19. In this country, the government can not restrict where people can live on the basis of race or ethnicity. 20. Renin and atrial natriuretic peptide restriction fragment length polymorphisms: association with ethnicity and blood pressure. 21. Senator Moynihan's topical theme is how to make the world safe for, but also from, ethnicity. 22. However, they are probably too infrequent to provide hearers with cues to ethnicity. 23. Currently, a court-ordered desegregation plan mandates that no single ethnicity can constitute more than 40 percent of a school. 24. They objected to just about everything about the man-his Anglo ethnicity, social status, and religion, and even his looks. 25. Racial profiling is the practice by police of considering a person's race or ethnicity in detaining suspects or making traffic stops. 26. Do the major social divisions of class, gender and ethnicity really account for the differences? 27. The government trading desk was a counterpoint to the visible gluttony and ethnicity of the mortgage department. 28. The addition of subjects with missing data could, however, have changed the picture and made ethnicity a significant variable. 29. On the complex differences of social class, gender and ethnicity, Ramp ton was conspicuously silent. 30. Among employed persons there are significant differences in income by race and ethnicity.