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31. The call of ethnicity of language provides no guidance to the future at all. 32. The causes of male violence intersect in complex ways with inequalities of class, ethnicity, race, and age. 33. More discussion of the interrelationship between gender, ethnicity and class is in chapter 4, section 4.6. 34. Assuming the past is irrecoverable, the obvious fall-back positions are ethnicity and religion, singly or in combination. 35. Ethnicity is given more extended treatment in the following chapters. 36. These include illegitimacy, family breakdown and reconstitution, social class, unemployment, poverty, and ethnicity. 37. A Lin comes from the Bai ethnicity in China. 38. The project is based on poverty, rather than ethnicity. 39. Your gender, skin color, ethnicity will be irrelevant. 40. And some Roma criminals appeal to shared ethnicity. 40. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 41. Ethnicity: Black ... 25 years in Endicott, New York, the old man, and the United States looking "for:" men of the pen. 42. Stroke prevalence also differs by race and ethnicity, age group and educational level, the researchers said. 43. So again culture does not have to refer to ethnicity or race. 44. Toni Morrison, an Afro-American female writer, always keeps her ethnicity in literary creation, continually exploring and developing distinguished African cultural traditions. 45. Lower-class participants gave more away even after controlling for gender, age or ethnicity. 46. So, behind Burma's benighted, authoritarian regime lie structural problems of ethnicity and geography. 47. I want to integrate my sexuality with all the other weaves of my self: burn any architectural plans that mount my gayness above my race, ethnicity, and age. 48. This paper first analyzes the imperfectness of the previous researches from the relations between economic globalization and ethnicity. 49. Adibi added that many factors are different in New York City and Krakow - such as diet, lifestyle, ethnicity and other contaminants. 50. Improved the code which chooses ethnicity of players with dual nationalities. 51. Formisano, Ronald P . Boston Against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960 s and 1970 s . 1991. 52. This thesis believes that the faith in YHWH plays a significant role in the formation of Israeli ethnicity. The faith in YHWH, which unities Israeli ethnicity, is internalized into its ethnicity. 53. The employee groups are based on affiliation with traditionally under-represented groups, usually considering race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. 54. Race, ethnicity, and nationality must be acknowledged as pervasive and potent. 55. But ethnicity combined with poverty can be a barrier: two-thirds of out-of-school girls around the world belong to ethnic minority groups. 56. The cutoff mark can vary an applicant's place of residence and ethnicity. 57. Ethnicity runs deep in this country and across the oceans of our diaspora. 58. The Dulong ethnicity is one of the ethnic minorities of China. 59. "Race riot" is a term describing a riot in which race or ethnicity is a key factor. 60. The country, divided by region, sect and ethnicity, has always been a work in progress.