快好知 kuaihz

31. Stripped floorboards teamed up with rattan furniture and wrought iron gives a look that complements. 32. Decorative projecting bricks, alcoves, wrought iron gates, and so on, are a security risk. 33. Each side has a cast iron arch in 7 segments from which the iron trough is hung by 35 wrought iron rods. 34. The balustrade leading from lobby to the floor above was of ornate molded wrought iron capped with a teak rail. 35. The stained-glass windows inside, and the black wrought iron and living or artificial flowers outside, contribute vivid accents. 36. The combination of nature, human ingenuity and climate has indeed wrought a landscape which changes at nearly every turn. 37. I passed through an ornamental entranceway with the street number in wrought iron arched across it in a rainbow shape. 38. To their left, the finely wrought balustrade of a stone cantilevered staircase rose like a border of black lace. 39. Daedalus himself, the wily artisan who wrought the whole thing, could find no means to pierce its mystery from within. 40. Because of the political changes wrought in the nineteenth century, they are by convention responsible now also to Parliament. 41. Such demographic changes wrought by industrialism meant the decline of rural parishes and the creation of a new urbanised and industrial poor. 42. Any fundamental historical changes like those wrought during the Agricultural Revolution involve both gain and loss. 43. Now, however, a series of social upheavals since 1970 have wrought changes in the consciousness of the people. 44. There was some plastic wrought iron creating a pointless division. 45. A few minutes later, Harry was standing on the pavement below, staring across the road at the crudely wrought message. 46. Much of the damage wrought by the disastrous three-day storm was still apparent. 47. Yet the government can not easily undo the damage wrought by the courts. 48. Carpets, Rugs, Mats and Durries, General Collectables, Wrought Iron. 49. Mrs Tremaine, wrought up, could resist an unusual asperity. 50. Unutterable destruction and devastation were wrought last autumn. 51. They have possessed high flexibility in their alloying design to increase their performance in heat and wear resistance in comparison with that of conventional wrought steel and cast alloys. 52. He made her a girdle of finely wrought gold and wove magic into the filigree work. 53. A wrasse cleans the skin of a wrought iron butterflyfish, whose black-and-white motif reminds Japanese of a samurai's kimono pattern. 54. He even compared this tothe destruction wrought by Mao's Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. 55. Vanity, it may be, chose to mortify itself, by putting on, for ceremonials of pomp and state, the garments that had been wrought by her sinful hands. 56. On the grass beside him' lay a plumed hat, and a pair of riding gloves gauntleted with gilt lace, and sewn with seed-pearls wrought into a curious device. 57. An important and uncommon pair of gilt and very finely wrought iron torch holders. 58. He arose, and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clave unto the sword: and the LORD wrought a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to spoil. 59. A plowman and his great plow, now standing idle in the furrow, had in a day wrought a terrible havoc. 60. He who had wrought her undoing was now on the side of the Spirit, while she remained unregenerate.