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61. The graceful arch of the main beach is transplanted from an early 20th Century French daydream, with a broad pedestrian corniche punctuated by graceful wrought iron lamps. 62. Product groups envisioned are bed room products starting from top of the bed cover to drapes, Table top products such as placemats and table runners with napkins, Wrought iron items. 63. Yu Long specializes in Wrought iron furniture, household forging products etc. 64. Shaft Column: Flanged, heavy wrought steel pipe encases the pump shaft. 65. The optimum grain refinement strategy for commercial wrought aluminium alloys has been summarized. The future trends of grain refinement have been expected. 66. This carload of torn sails is more legible and interesting now than if they should be wrought into paper and printed books. 67. The jagged ramparts of the mainland and islands unsoiled by human footprints drift past, an endless drama wrought in ice and snow. 68. Garden Accessories, Candles and Holders, Candles, Garden Accessories, Wrought Iron. 69. Prisoner, tell me, who was it that wrought this unbreakable chain? 70. The company is consisted of a Cast factory , a wrought iron or forging factory. 71. Its forged and hammered metal had been wrought into elegant , almost arabesque, curves. 72. Minerva wrought on her web the scene of her contest with Neptune. 73. A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy. 74. Wrought alloys possess good forgeability , it gives way to pressure. 75. Edwin Arnold came equally close when he remarked that it was "not a piece of architecture, as other buildings are, but the proud passion of an emperor's love wrought in living stone." 76. Muscadet suffered catastrophic losses to spring frosts, which also wrought damage on a smaller scale elsewhere in the region. 77. You could also splurge on thick plump pillows on a wrought iron love seat . 78. Case for the H58 wrought copper or PCS manufactured by NdFeB magnetic core, magnetic sensor switch for imports of power components. 79. And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon's porch. 80. If any discipline is rightfully the child of the second industrial revolution and the changes it wrought in the nature of work, that discipline is industrial engineering. 81. It is a reference for anybody concerning quality of wrought aluminium alloy extruded profiles for architecture. 82. As to the rounds, they were made of a sort of red cedar, with light, strong branches; and this apparatus was wrought by the masterly hand of Pencroft. 83. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin [was] dead. 84. The chemical composition, grain refinement methods, application situation and progress in wrought Al - Mn alloy were summarized. 85. But it is in the carvings of Persepolis, center of the Achaemenid dynasty, that the Faravahar reaches its most elaborate and finely wrought perfection. 86. For these things in themselves, Beloved, may Be changed, or change for thee – and love, So wrought , May be unwrought so. 87. Pomade:Use the fat that wrought moving , vegetable fat the fragrant component queen in absorbing a fresh flower get! 88. The floors were laid in fanciful figures wrought in mosaics of many - coloured marbles. 89. The homogenization is an important heat treatment step during wrought aluminium alloy production, it influences greatly the quality of the products. 90. When the process is well controlled it could carbonhigh - carbon steel or it might be wrought iron.