快好知 kuaihz

31 Police dropped the charges against him because of insufficient evidence. 32 We have insufficient funds to pay for the building work. 33 The judge finally concluded there was insufficient evidence of premeditation. 34 Her lawyer accused the prosecution of founding its case on insufficient evidence. 35 The worshiper thinks that the worst is the insufficient horsepower. 36 There was insufficient evidence to identify a patron. 37 Complaints were of insufficient guitar strings, paints and brushes. 38 Animals that produced insufficient milk were sold. 39 Less serious mistakes are simply insufficient. 40 Why do most adults take insufficient physical exercise? 41 This may be insufficient for newcomers to the company. 42 Will, now approaching his seventies, wanted to retire but their savings were insufficient to allow him to do so. 43 It gives insufficient information about the reasons for its decisions. 44 Insufficient domestic savings results in greater reliance being placed on external finance from international banks, capital markets and international agencies. 45 Insufficient knowledge of the latter can waste a lot of money. 46 If insufficient cells migrate into the front of the head the face will be abnormally small. 47 Now Propane is on the point of pulling out because of insufficient interest. 48 Productivity growth Faster scrapping of old plant as a result of insufficient labour should increase the rate of growth of labour productivity. 49 It is of course difficult to appraise peoples' motives for buying or selling derivative assets, so mere observation is insufficient. 50 Unfortunately, the survey did not ask them if they sold the products about which they said they had received insufficient training. 51 Those who gave evidence say the sentence is insufficient, they say it just gives licence to youngsters to break the law. 52 However, this improvement has been insufficient to offset the decline in other areas. 53 Product knowledge and benefits Knowledge of product features is insufficient for sales success. 54 The nuns say there is insufficient evidence that the chickens carry the virus. 55 He was widely expected to visit the province last week but ongoing talks made insufficient progress. 56 Poor-quality eggshells indicate insufficient deposition of calcium and this deficiency was shown to have arisen because of increased soil acidification. 57 Any lesser density makes the private appropriation of lands ineffective and the potential supply of paid labour insufficient. 58 There is insufficient attention paid to the analytical problems to be addressed in biochemistry. 59 One was heard to complain that there were insufficient Trolls to go round. 60 The best policies will also provide transport to another resort if yours has insufficient snow.