快好知 kuaihz

121 Essentially those institutions with surplus funds lend to those with insufficient funds to meet their requirements. 122 Changes will be deferred if there is insufficient information available to make a decision. 123 Doubts have been cast on this interpretation, but insufficient evidence is available to reassess it in terms of the more typical two-phase sequence. 124 Again, insufficient external information was raised as a difficulty, especially among less profitable organisations. 125 For most this left insufficient time to build any significant pensions. 126 Although we have approved desegregation plans involving magnet schools of this conventional definition, the District Court found this insufficient. 127 Unfortunately this does not always happen and when it does there is often insufficient time given to such training. 128 Some schools have insufficient specialist accommodation to be able to give their pupils the basic curriculum. 129 The Methodist chapel proving insufficient to hold them, the large schoolroom was opened. 130 These results could still be seriously attenuated by insufficient follow-up, since they include many studies undertaken in the 1970s. 131 The two agents were arrested in May 1990, but were released a few days later on grounds of insufficient evidence. 132 Photosetters such as the Linotron 101 produce 1270 dots per inch and this is regarded by some as still being insufficient. 133 Diverticular disease is a condition of the bowel caused by abnormal activity of the bowel wall when your diet contains insufficient fibre. 134 The current data are insufficient to establish the suitability of the heater probe compared with other types of endoscopic treatment. 135 It could be that insufficient information was available upon which to make a correct decision. 136 And even the greatest independence was insufficient,[http:///insufficient.html] still not enough. 137 Simply expressed, they have insufficient time, inadequate resources, not enough basic interest and, crucially, other priorities. 138 The focus is upon inter-organizational relationships, and changing political and economic circumstances receive insufficient emphasis. 139 It is no use stimulating muscle growth if your protein intake is insufficient. 140 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this. 141 Furthermore a higher proportion of blacks were acquitted after trial, which again suggests insufficient evidence. 142 The underlying cultural patterns anthropologists seek means the implications offered by changing historical circumstances are given insufficient attention. 143 Certainly, insufficient attention is often paid to concepts of choice, self-expression and self-help. 144 The accused drew by cheque card on a bank balance which had insufficient funds to meet the sum. 145 For this reason, machine-cut trial trenches are most commonly used on sites where there is insufficient time for more careful methods. 146 However this is a dangerous situation since there will be insufficient energy in the system to stop the model and land. 147 But they regarded the simple wartime orientation of the neutralisation regime as insufficient in the post-Second-World-War era. 148 The data we have is insufficient to draw any conclusions. 149 The trouble with our system is that we overdo the disqualification and pay insufficient attention to requalification. 150 However there is insufficient information present in script for unambiguous identification of characters and words.