快好知 kuaihz

1. Come on, there's no need for all this melodrama. 2. The movie is nothing but a drippy melodrama. 3. We really don't need all this ridiculous melodrama! 4. Instead of tragedy, we got melodrama. 5. The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy. 6. I love Victorian melodrama. 7. Her love of melodrama meant that any small problem became a crisis. 8. A dark and empty passage mocked his melodrama. 9. Film critics are calling the movie a glossy melodrama. 10. This has been a constant melodrama. 11. Given the monochromatic melodrama of modern country music, versatility may not be the correct answer. 12. The film is flawed by moments of melodrama and sentimentality. 13. Recounted with even a trace of melodrama, this story would read like a soap opera. 14. In theory, a star-driven period melodrama with top-notch production values should have been an attractive proposition for distributors. 15. He was behaving like a character in a Victorian melodrama. 16. The video was seven minutes of high camp and melodrama. 17. Penhaligon's story has all the ingredients of a Victorian melodrama. 18. In many respects Griffith was a conventional story-teller and melodrama was always really the framework of his themes. 19. He hardly comprehended what had been happening; the reality and unreality merged together like a nightmare or a melodrama. 20. Hale met in the hogan with committee members and talked for more than three hours about the melodrama. 21. Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive. 22. The confidential world of the city clerk persists in Eliot's poorest play which looks again to Victorian melodrama. 23. Overemphasis, hamming it up, leads to the exaggerations of satire, cartooning, melodrama and farce. 24. This was Abba's tour de force, a brilliantly structured melodrama which put Faltskog's fragile, emotional vocal centre stage. 25. Of course the studio hoped that the film would succeed as melodrama and much of the publicity stressed its entertainment value. 26. Few events this century have rivaled the sinking of the Titanic for sheer melodrama. 27. Please think about these things in a more reasonable mood, shaking off the excess melodrama as you proceed. 28. He accused me of histrionics and dubbed me Sarah Bernhardt, after the crown princess of stage and silent movie melodrama. 29. And so on the City College campus a vague and indistinctly demarcated intellectual struggle assumed, amazingly, the form of melodrama. 30. In movies like this, there is a great temptation to lean heavily on the melodrama.