快好知 kuaihz

151. The most widely distributed Shas tract shows a smirking Weizman standing next to a grim-looking Deri behind bars. 152. The new Model extends the capability to a distributed environment, so that objects can be shared among networked systems. 153. Pensioner's incomes are not, of course, evenly distributed and important inequalities exist. 154. After being washed in the river the clothes were then distributed to charitable institutions. 155. It may be distributed to members of the review committee. 156. It is also distributed for appropriate action to subject committees. 157. To do this would require an analysis of how decision-making and power is distributed in society. 158. All data sets obtained were initially analysed to determine whether data were normally or abnormally distributed. 159. As a result, enterprise networks, distributed network management, and unusual software applications were implemented in parallel worldwide. 160. In late June anti-government leaflets distributed in Yangon denounced the military-directed constitutional negotiations. 161. If a process is distributed across a number of elements of a system then the situation is much more complex. 162. All they would need is a way to coordinate work and memory in a very distributed system. 163. The simple proposition behind all agrarian reform was that surplus land should be distributed to surplus labour. 164. Cataloged below are some traits I believe a networked-based economy would exhibit: Distributed CoresThe boundaries of a company blur to obscurity. 165. Dialogic describes this as a comprehensive multilayered open architecture for building distributed communications systems from multiple technologies. 166. The reward money was to be distributed among the poor. 167. They were distributed across nine Tutorial Classes, twenty-five other courses and ten study circles. 168. In Gloucestershire and Wiltshire cloth workers destroyed mills and took grain which they distributed among themselves. 169. When they developed, they were distributed throughout the oxyntic mucosa. 170. The total is then distributed among local authorities on the basis of the number of people listed on the Poll Tax register. 171. Data are now distributed across organizations and even across companies. 172. With, if only 60 percent of total current income were equally distributed it would be socially valued as equivalent. 173. If the receipt is distributed to shareholders as dividends then the capital base of the business has been eroded. 174. A network is a distributed thing without a center of control, and with few clear boundaries. 175. Who decides how resources and goods will be distributed? 5. 176. Sequent, too, he suggests, is looking closely at problems with bus bandwidth and distributed computing. 177. The personal sector's disposable income of £10,500 million is distributed between £10,000 million consumer purchases and £500 million saving. 178. Patients who suffer a myocardial infarction may not have widely distributed coronary disease. 179. The bank therefore has an incentive to ensure that the paper is widely distributed among investors. 180. Each species was loosely interconnected to the others in a kind of vast distributed network.