快好知 kuaihz

211. He often interchanges his black hat with his grey hat. 212. Let me give you a piece of advice. Wear a blue or grey suit to the interview. 213. She had taken in the grey dress so that it hugged her thin body. 214. Andrea has medium brown hair, grey eyes and very pale skin. 215. Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away. 216. Prawns are grey when they're raw, and turn pink when they're cooked. 217. I think grey hair on a man can look very distinguished. 218. I get some grey hairs but I pull them out. 219. Laura was almost tangibly aware of his hard grey eyes focused on her. 220. She hadn't noticed before quite how grey his hair was. 221. The flag adds a dash of colour to the grey building. 222. No-one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance. 223. His face was ashy grey. 224. It's not as if grey anoraks are cheap. 225. The grey eyes blinked, small and frightened. 226. Hair: grey and losing it, I might add. 227. Mr Rockoff now sports a long grey beard and was often in evidence, smoking fat cigarettes. 228. The menfolk have an aged, craggy appearance, being hunch-backed from their hard labour, and wear a long grey beard. 229. Has he suddenly stopped wearing that favourite grey jacket or changed his physical appearance in some way? 230. I was dressed in a cream linen suit with a light grey silk blouse. 231. Behind the familiar trestle table with its grey army blanket, sat the commanding officer flanked by two others of lesser rank. 232. He was thirty-four, but looked much older, had a grotesquely humped back, a grey beard and droopy moustache. 233. Joseph was shrouded beneath a grey, black-striped blanket, and rested his rifle across his saddle pommel. 234. Grey, thinning hair and a tired face betray years of active service. 235. Eddie was going grey. 236. Wisps of high grey cloud scarcely moved behind the copper beech. 237. There are beaches of rounded grey basalt pebbles of varying sizes elsewhere around the island. 238. One day, when a downpour crawling on the windows made even the trees look grey, he went up to the attic. 239. It was accompanied by a photograph of Blufton standing - arms akimbo - in front of a grey smudge of masonry. 240. Both had taken quite a beating by the time the first grey flickers of dawn filtered in.