快好知 kuaihz

1. His philosophical writings are imbued with religious belief. 2. She affixes her real name to her writings. 3. The essays seek to contextualise Kristeva's writings. 4. His writings have influenced the lives of millions. 5. His experiences in India influenced his later writings. 6. The article was a choice extract from her writings. 7. His writings include poetry and a novel. 8. His writings taste of the school. 9. Her influence has been greatest through her writings. 10. His writings were deeply subjected to the classical style. 11. Their writings took powerful hold of academic circles. 12. Althusser's writings are focused mainly on France. 13. A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings. 14. His writings reveal an unattractive preciousness of style. 15. Her writings reflect the breadth of her interests. 16. Ancient writings reinforce their claims to the land. 17. These extracts are culled from her writings. 18. Say's writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime. 19. Dueling occurs in his writings passim. 20. Her writings have extraordinary depth and solidity. 21. His writings fanned the flames of racism. 22. His writings include poetry and prose. 23. It is frequently mentioned in the poetic writings of the period. 24. A lot of his writings inveigh against luxury and riches. 25. His writings are concerned with religious phenomena at the individual level. 26. Christians share some of their sacred writings with the Jews. 27. Her book looks at his writings from a feminist slant. 28. His writings on motorized warfare dominated strategic thinking in the 1930s. 29. His writings were marked by an extraordinary lucidity and elegance of style. 30. He paid off the debt of his friend with the money raised by his writings.