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181. There are certainly echoes of this reading of Aristotle as a teacher of participatory republican government in the later writings of democratic thinkers from Tocqueville to Hannah Arendt. 182. There we learn that a walrus was called a walrus by 1655 but that as an animal it had been known long before and appeared with other names in the writings of Alfred the Great back around 893. 183. Other revealed writings, including Smith's translation of "Egyptian" texts that he declared to be the Book of Abraham, were incorporated into the Pearl of Great Price. 184. It contains five poems inspired by Gnosticism and Gnostics writings, e. g. Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi documents. 185. The inscriptive writings are attaches after the certain carrier the short nimble miscellany prose. 186. As noted, the Church historian Eusebius, who likely forged the Testimonium Flavianum, does not relate this Tacitus passage in his abundant writings. 187. Jin Yong's swordsman fictions are highly impelling and excellent lie fallow literature writings. " 188. Eg; I find but only two sorts of writings which the magistrate cared to take notice of: those either blasphemous and atheistical , or libelous. 189. Related to the previous point, Olmsted was a fan of Horace Bushnell’s writings about “unconscious influence” in people. 190. Were these poems the only expressly Satanist writings of Karl Marx? 191. Irenaeus strived to obliterate Gnostic ideas and the writings that espoused them. 192. A turning point was reached in the fourteenth century in the writings of William of Ockham. 193. The writings of the abolitionists and Thoreau inspired the great Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy to become an ardent exponent of Christian nonviolence. 194. Gnostic writings repeatedly stress divine revelation and the need for both human effort toward realizing gnosis, as well as the need for corresponding divine grace or angelic help. 195. The scholar compiled a bibliography of the unpublished writings of Emerson. 196. Though many writings have the sense of something like political demurrer , they also express a kind of sexed ideology of slave and appendage. 197. The Pay-What-You-Can policy conceived and promoted by de la Maza displays unmistakable features of a gift economy, first popularized in modern terms in Eric Raymonds pioneering Open Source writings. 198. There are few writers for whom the reader feels such personal kindness as for Oliver Goldsmith, for few have so eminently possessed the magic gift of identifying themselves with their writings. 199. Opposition to the military - industrial machine civilization, as emphasized in writings of Burroughs , Huncke , Ginsberg, and Kerouac. 200. Karl Llewellyn, in his early writings, was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory. 201. For me, writings can show my emotion, reveal my joyance, alleviate my anger, and inspirit my ambition. 202. Writings at the site led experts to identify the tomb as belonging to Marcus Nonius Macrinus, one of the closest aides and generals of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. 203. His illustrative examples are almost invariably warmed over from other writings. 204. They purport to be the writings of Clement, the first bishop of Rome, ie -- the first Catholic Pope appointed by Peter. 205. Fiske:american historian and philosopher known for his writings on religion and science, especially Excursions of an Evolutionist (1884). 206. Biblical criticism excavates the various deposits that have been gathered in successive layers in these writings. 207. Six years after, Issa, whom the Buddha had selected to spread his holy word, had become perfect expositor of the sacred writings. 208. Much of our knowledge of Roman architecture comes from the writings of Vitruvius Pollio, a working architect of the time, who authored De Architectura. 209. Most of what is known of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD comes from the writings of Pliny the Younger. 210. His widow Aleida March said she'd decided to publish the unedited writings, Diary of a Combatant, so that readers could get to know him just as he was.