spinning造句61. He confessed to enjoying making spinning wheels and rocking horses in his spare time.
62. It reported that drivers' spinning of the radio dial accounted for far more crashes.
63. Or four men round the bat, off-spinners spinning the ball the other way.
64. Here we were subjected to a process of pounding and separating, carding and spinning.
65. Bailey converted again, with a twisting, spinning six-footer, and the Bruins had finally found some offensive rhythm.
66. But then the Triad thug was falling backward, the knife spinning away harmlessly through the air.
67. Distaffs may also be attached to a spinning wheel or be floor standing.
68. There is, however, a different way in which spinning objects can turn over.
68. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
69. Somewhere, the gods are madly spinning a cosmic radio dial across nine billion frequencies.
70. He said it was an extraordinary decision and would send many industries spinning into recession.
71. Practising aerobatics and spinning will help to overcome any misgivings you may have about flying in steep turns at low speeds.
72. The wheel kept spinning, the damned kept pouring away their money.
73. They held the bat like a pen and set the game spinning in weird and wonderful ways.
74. The wheels where spinning in the mud, but the car wouldn't move.
75. As soon as that happens, the spider stops spinning, turns round, pulls the filament tight and secures it on her side.
76. So pull on those thinking caps, get the vinyl out of the closet and start spinning those records.
77. She turns the water to steam and frees the light inside her, twisting and turning in a sparkling, spinning column.
78. Corbett knew he had to leave but the room was spinning around him and he fell gratefully into the gathering blackness.
79. To watch the ceaseless spinning for too long made you feel sick and dizzy and a bit out of step with everything else.
80. A pair of incandescent explosions ripped the metal apart, and the door was knocked spinning into the cave.
81. Joe was in top form, spinning stories, issuing pronunciamentos, dropping withering quips at every opportunity.
82. A moment later gold coins were rolling across the floor, spinning, glittering.
83. Spinning on her heel, she stalked away with her head in the air.
84. The spinning wheel is a machine; a little toothpick is a machine.
85. His pale arms spinning through the water like the oiled wings of a doomed bird.
86. So let's catch up with all the action as we go spinning the globe.
87. Creed caught up with her in the hallway and grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her round.
88. The unit included a spinning mill within its plant, producing one hundred percent wool yarn.
89. In one corner stood a spinning wheel, the threads still pulled tight.
90. A spinning cylinder generates lift in direct proportion to the acceleration it imparts on the air streaming by.