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31. This method is highly effective in detecting transformations while still in their latent stage; that is, before they become clinically observable. 32. These key strategic factors ought to be observable from a thorough analysis of market attractiveness and competitive strengths. 33. If it is to have any practical value a recording system must be concerned with measuring observable behaviour. 34. The problem which the Phillips-Lipsey model then had to confront was one of measurability: not a directly observable magnitude. 35. However, similar effects are also observable across morpheme boundaries and to some extent also within the morpheme. 36. Even such observable facts as churchgoing are hard to interpret. 37. Observing behaviour Observing behaviour is easy because behaviour, verbal and nonverbal, is always overt and therefore eminently observable. 38. The real difference is observable in the breakdown of scenes and the manner in which Britten chooses to deploy the dramatic action. 39. Since it is not directly observable, it must be measured indirectly. 40. The problem is even more severe with the natural world, where the ratio of observable high drama is much lower. 41. At the manifest level of observable facts, the differences may be as significant as the similarities. 42. Theoretical ideas are connected to the world by a translation into an empirical language more closely attuned to the observable world. 43. Lincoln's birthday is an observable holiday. 44. The Mercalli Scale is based on observable earthquake damage. 45. But this view is widely observable. 46. Its only contact with reality is through observable quantities. 47. It was then observable that the substance was greenish. 48. Their only observable characteristics were energy and spin. 49. The color change is observable using a confocal microscope. 50. Observability analysis is the basic and prime task in passive localization and tracking system, for only when the system is observable, it can be determined with unique and definite solution. 51. It is an observable trait of efficiency in action. Nope. 52. Method: 10 cases were observable for heart rate. pressure, central venous pressure kept drainage duct open. 53. The lowest no observable effect concentrations (LNOEC) of Cu, Zn and Mn on the growth of Closterium lunula were found to be 31. 54. These behavior patterns are observable and quantifiable, and they repeat themselves with statistical reliability. 55. It clarifies simulation results and makes the simulation more observable. The conclusion shows that functional coverage combined code coverage provide an integrated quality verification gauge. 56. The SINS/DTU system's observable matrices in different moving bases are obtained by using the method of analyzing the piece wise constant system./observable.html 57. Given a generalized Petri net of which the transitions are all controllable and observable, a deadlock prevention algorithm is proposed in this paper. 58. Because infrared light can penetrate the skull, it can reach the phytochrome and remotely switch the gene on, resulting in observable changes in the mouse's behavior. 59. From Listing 5, you can see that, in order to write an observable that uses the DEBA framework, you have barely anything to do about the underlying SOAP infrastructure. 60. After all, such trends are easily observable in spheres other than language.