快好知 kuaihz

61. Section 6 introduces another cost of syndication when effort is not observable. 62. But far be it for me to ridicule science when it is based on observable facts and replicable evidence. 63. T-test for the partial correlation coefficients showed that inheritance, site conditions, and disease etc had observable influence over the epidemic rates. 64. Don't be afraid to create your own Observable implementation if needed. 65. Durkheim's sociology was an attempt to establish the pattern which lay behind all observable phenomena. 66. "This shows that there is no observable difference in performance of engines using biodiesel versus the more common commercial fuel, " Lumkes said. 67. Aim To make gravid proglottid specimen of the clear, observable and bright - coloured. 68. The method avoids inconvenience and error from human's experience, and is simple, observable and operable. 69. Their observable universe also used to be the size of a grapefruit. 70. Third, by and large a four - year cyclical movement is also observable in all prefectures. 71. The pattern is observable in most countries that have pursued such policies. 72. An example that is easily observable is the sexual urge. 73. We don't want to spend a lot of time maintaining low - observable treatments. 74. Conclusion The methods is sensitive and easily observable, which may be used for differentiating Diluted Benzalkonium Bromide Solution and Benzalkonium Bromide Solution. 75. Reflection is hardly observable for line transition time much less than pulse width. 76. The wing sails with 3.1 percentage of essential wing area have observable efficiency in reducing induced drag. The factors of the induced drag were reduced by 20 percent. 77. Symptom -- Any non - observable condition described by the patient. 78. Objective To make bright color, clear and observable specimens of Pneumocystis carinii cyst and trophozoite. 79. To observable clinical effect about treatment of flail chest by multiporous lucite plate external fixation device. 80. Whether a cometary outburst with a jet can cause observable short - term non gravitational effect is investigated. 81. A 2010 study found that friends are significantly more accurate in judging traits like intelligence, talkativeness and creativity—traits that are observable and measurable. 82. Then I will extend my experience to define it: visible, touchable, sensable, researchable, observable things are materials. 83. We've provided a default validation callout mechanism in the DEBA framework to limit exceptions caused by the lack of availability of the observable or observer. 84. Figure 4 shows a distributed state machine in which each observer determines its own subsequent action based on its current state and the state change of its corresponding observable(s). 85. This effect will be observable in SE and PP applications. 86. The placebo effect refers to all the observable behaviors caused by placebo. 87. From end to end, the Milky Way's starry disk, observable with the naked eye and through optical telescopes, spans 120,[http://]000 light-years. 88. The results of the isoelectric point show the terpolymers to have the observable amphoteric characteristic. 89. The average imprecision in measuring the size of the observable universe is about 10 - 15 meter. 90. The war and the killing assume a different form: they have been shifted from the daylight of observable public events, to the twilight of unobservable inner destruction.