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31. Ch : So does he have a hump A hump and a hairpiece? 32. Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao ride on the hump, and thus will survive. 33. This animal is called the Arabian camel, a long-legged beast with one large hump on its back. 34. A four-legged robot that resembles the Walkers from Star Wars, BigDog was designed to help Army grunts hump gear into roadless areas. 35. Let's get a hump on, " Abe said; and the two boys dipped their oars deeper into the brown water." 36. A : Yeah . But we are over the hump now. 37. Indeed, there may be a fetishistic interest in misshapen or even missing body parts –a hump, a goiter, or an amputation. 38. The doctor says that I am over the hump and should be improving steadily. 39. The hump - backed man stared, as if in excess of amazement and indignation. 40. I must've wrapped my legs around it at some point and put the needle on the record, as it were, because I soon figured out that I could basically get on top of it and hump it and have orgasms. 41. It was a hump about 25 feet (8 metres) long, covered with rough dark-grey hide like an elephant's back. 42. The Arabian camel has only one hump in the middle of its back. 43. Other common forms of synecdoche include two concentric circles or triangles (used as eyes in horse and bison paintings), ibex horns and the hump of a mammoth. 44. I remember how the success fo the San Antonio Spurs getting over the next hump always seemed to ride on the coattails of Avery being able to hit that wide open jumper near the free throw line . 45. Chandler: So does he have a hump? A hump and hairpiece? 46. They were shaped like lotus petals , elephant heads , old men , recumbent tigers , hump - backed bridges, pillars. 47. Being an available resource, or diving in and taking a call or two while folks grab lunch, is the least I can do when I'm asking my team to bust their hump a little harder than they usually do. 48. A novel valve less piezoelectric pump with Cluster of Unsymmetrical Hump Structure ( CUHS ) is presented. 49. An example of steady flow over the hump demonstrates that the velocity error computed under hydrostatic conditions is within the scope of acceptance and no artificial flow occurs. 50. The Bactrian camel of Central Aaia has two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump. 51. Researches a hump vehicle sliding speed control system for switchyard by means of computers and infrared detector technique. 52. Then by narrow gauge railroad into the Assam Valley to Chabua and fly over The Hump to Kunming. 53. Linda was failing math, but she is over the hump now. 54. Then Lying Lou and Gabby darted into sight, leaped up on the mossback's hump. 55. The just-hatched cuckoo, still blind and featherless, has a special hollow like a dimple on its back, so that it can hump out of the nest, one by one, its companion fledglings. 56. Did they teach you to talk like this in some Sailor , wanna hump - hump bar? 57. With half the race done, he was over the hump. 58. Our company was influenced by deflation deeply, but now we are over the hump. 59. The dromedary , or Arabian, camel distinguishes itself from its Bactrian relatives by its single hump. 60. So does he have a hump? A hump and a hairpiece?