快好知 kuaihz

61. All right , Joey. Be nice. So dose he have a hump, a hump and hairpiece? 62. Large lips and a forehead hump are hallmarks of the reef-dwelling humphead wrasse, popular with divers and fishermen across much of the Indo-Pacific. 63. The job wasn't easy but we are over the hump now. 64. I and many Americans appreciated, particularly, your references to the American Army Air Corps pilots who flew across the hump of the Himalayas to bring assistance to China during World War II. 65. So does he have a hump? A hump and hairpiece? 66. Objective. To compare uninstrumented compensatory curve spontaneous derotation of the rib hump and lumbar prominence after selective lumbar or thoracic fusions in AIS. 67. We're basically over the hump. We've got an economy that's likely to grow next year even more than it did in 1992.