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capital punishment造句
61 Capital punishment does send out one reasonably clear social message. 62 You got an answer for this, or are you busy preparing your next rally against capital punishment? 63 Federal appeals judge Alex Kozinski, a Ronald Reagan appointee, recently attacked the legal machinery of capital punishment. 64 But capital punishment is not for me in that category: it is not self-evidently harmful, not self-evidently unjust. 65 He seems to become especially intense when questioning turns to the issue of capital punishment. 66 But it does not matter where issues of capital punishment and deterrence are concerned. 67 The immorality of capital punishment does not lie in the sympathy level of a particular convicted murderer. 68 There were a few men and women dressed in black, who waited as silent witnesses to the obscenity of capital punishment. 69 It multiplied capital punishment for the most wretched categories of offenders. 70 The back-to-back executions would quicken the pace of capital punishment in Maryland. 71 Capital punishment for murder was abolished in 1969 and repeated attempts to reintroduce it have been defeated by an ever-increasing majority. 72 It should change the argument about capital punishment and other aspects of the criminal justice system. 73 It called for a free vote on marijuana, and also for possible referendums on abortion and the restoration of capital punishment. 74 She was silent except for little violent outbursts about capital punishment and Iris Murdoch writing too much. 75 Our eagerness for capital punishment echoes the mentality of the old slave code. 76 The participating States reconfirm their commitments in the Copenhagen and Moscow Documents concerning the question of capital punishment. 77 Capital punishment Article 6 limits the circumstances in which capital punishment may be imposed. 78 He has opposed the poll tax in its original form, discrimination against homosexuals and capital punishment. 79 Late in life she campaigned against capital punishment, in alliance with William Allen of Guy's Hospital. 80 The minutes continued: The Cabinet then discussed the question of the abolition of capital punishment. 81 How would you characterize Meusault's view of capital punishment? 82 He long urged the abolition of capital punishment. 83 The precondition of compensation to offset the capital punishment is sincerely resipiscence of criminal. 84 Capital punishment is claimed to deter wrongdoing even better than lifelong confinement. 85 Some day, with additional two capital punishment a ask behead. 86 Critics in Congress and elsewhere faulted the Court's opinion for acknowledging "the overwhelming weight of international opinion" against capital punishment for under-age criminals. 87 Andy Williamson, Director of the Hansard Society's Digital Democracy program, says he's not surprised that capital punishment is topping thee-petition. 88 Of the Group of Eight industrialized nations, only the United States and Japan use capital punishment. 89 compassion's part that leads the up - holders of capital punishment to accuse the abolitionists of sentimentality in being more sorry for the murderer than for his victim. ... 90 For example, in California only criminal cases in which capital punishment has been imposed are appealable as of right to the state supreme court.