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capital punishment造句
31 Some people are in favour of restoring capital punishment for murderers. 32 I don't believe in hitting children.:Do you believe in capital punishment? 33 He is one of the leading proponents of capital punishment. 34 We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment. 35 Public opinion is divided on the subject of capital punishment. 36 He moved an amendment limiting capital punishment to certain very serious crimes. 37 Capital punishment was still used in Britain as late as the 1950s. 38 Capital punishment was unacceptable to the ancient church. 39 The state reinstated capital punishment in 1976. 40 In 1965, Britain abolished capital punishment. 41 We are morally opposed to capital punishment. 42 In civilized cultures, Vegemite is considered capital punishment. 43 But he purposely rejected stereotypical liberal stands on such basic issues as welfare and capital punishment. 44 Beccaria's reputation for humanity comes from the famous sections that oppose the use of torture and of capital punishment. 45 Her arguments are clearly slanted in favour of capital punishment, in spite of her religious convictions. 46 Outside the prison, demonstrators on both sides of the capital punishment issue cheered, cried and prayed. 47 For staunch opponents, there is mounting concern about a political and legal climate that more readily fosters capital punishment. 48 On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided. 49 Among the protesters will be Laura Magnani, another veteran in the campaign against capital punishment. 50 That's what's expected tonight at the Oxford Union, when former hangman, Syd Dernley speaks in favour of capital punishment. 51 The victims' demand for capital punishment has boomeranged on them, provoking sympathy for the person they most abhor. 52 The abolition of capital punishment and reform of the law on homosexuality came about in a similar way. 53 This whole capital punishment thing is becoming a real pain in the neck for a civilized society. 54 Syd Dernley was a public hangman before the capital punishment was abolished in nineteen sixty-five. 55 Investigate the extent to which capital punishment is a deterrent to murder. 56 Similarly, one of the few obviously valid arguments in favour of capital punishment is that executed offenders never re-offend afterwards. 57 Her views on capital punishment, immigration, and the trade unions resemble those of the right-wing tabloid press. 58 Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder. 59 Moreover, death caused by poisoning, the most pre-meditated of all murders, was exempted from liability to capital punishment. 60 This time Robbins made a grown-up movie about capital punishment.