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211. In surgical treatment, the double tongue-shaped flap type of pyeloplasty designed by us was specially undergone. 212. The power of "Patten of Difference Sequence" has undergone a multi-dimensional change from single guiding principle to friendship and interest. 213. Otolaryngology is an important branch of medicine, which has undergone great development in recent years. 214. AS INCOMPLETE AS these four types of evidence are, they indicate that the IGM has undergone at least three dramatic changes over the course of cosmic time. 215. Veterinary virology has also undergone a rapid expansion during this time. 216. Experiments are undergone to extract colorants from naturally colored cotton fiber. Results show that natural colorants are water or alcohol soluble substances with 2-benzyl benzofuran structure. 217. Conclusion Lornoxicam can increase the effect of analgesia in patients undergone thoracic surgery in the period of recovery from general anesthesia and prevent the occurrence of restlessness. 218. Many nuclei have become pyknotic and have then undergone karorrhexis and karyolysis.Sentence dictionary 219. Even the attractiveness of her person had undergone a similar change. 220. In the fund's institutional investment business, market and the macro - economic environment has undergone enormous changes. 221. The prototype basin has undergone mosaic, cross, drape and mosaic four superimposed processes. 222. In the 1990 s, international economic relations and the international economic environment have already undergone great changes.