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151. Methods: After the rats were undergone 5/6 nephrectomy, the morphological and functional evolution of the remnant kidneys were dynamically observed with morphometry. 152. American Depository Receipt(ADR), an important instrument for Chinese enterprises financing abroad, has undergone fast growth. 153. If the estimated data undergone rounding off are taken less digit, it will have influence on regression precision. 154. Ear, nose, and throat surgeons recommend nasal irrigation with a Neti pot or other method for their patients who've undergone sinus surgery, to clear away crusting in the nasal passages. 155. Thrill-seekers climb into a 5-inch thick, 10-ft tall perspex box - nicknamed the Cage of Death - that has undergone "extensive" safety testing. 156. Cardiopulmonary exercise test was undergone again for all the patients about 4 months after AMI onset. 157. To investigate, they followed 23 men and women who had undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery, one of the most popular types of weight-loss surgery. 158. Symptomatic disease recurred in two of the thirteen hips treated with arthrotomy alone and in none of the hips that had undergone dislocation. 159. The greyish green gritstone had undergone the action of deep-seated reducing heat fluid during its rock-forming process. 160. All of them had undergone a crash course in surveillance techniques. 161. All had undergone a dedicated stroke workup including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and a detailed assessment of clinical features and of vascular risk factors. 162. She's undergone quite a metamorphosis since you last saw her. 163. Results The 7 patients of 16 who had undergone dilatation and curettage after uterine artery embolization were succeed with little haemorrhage and recovered quickly. 164. Of the 15 cases, 9 cases were undergone EST , 7 lithotomy, and another 9 ENBD. 165. With rapid economic development, Korea has undergone changes in interest and understanding of health care system. 166. The role of product warranties in the marketing of products has undergone a significant change in the past several years. 167. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed a consecutive series of 202 shoulders that had undergone magnetic resonance arthrography between 2004 and 2005. 168. For the UCI study, multipotent human neural stem cells were transplanted into the brains of rats that had undergone radiation treatment. 169. Many nuclei have become pyknotic (shrunken and dark) and have then undergone karorrhexis (fragmentation) and karyolysis (dissolution). The cytoplasm and cell borders are not recognizable. 170. In the course of its development, MIS has undergone the stages of data processing, integrated data processing and systematic data processing. 171. Danba area has undergone multiperiod deformation, metamorphism and magmatism since Mesozoic time. 172. Green tea — Green tea is a "true" tea (i. e. Camellia sinensis) that has undergone minimal oxidation during processing. The first of the less processed teas were ... 173. Since the Permian, the Tarim Basin had undergone basinal extension, subduction and intro - continental orogeny. 174. Musical forms have undergone from a single sound thinking ( homophony ) to a three-dimensional sound thinking (polyphony), and finally achieved both coexistence. 175. A case is reported of intrarenal lipoma which had undergone nephrectomy erroneously under the mistaken impression of renal cell carcinoma. 176. Higher Education has undergone several hundreds' development in developed countries and they have sound law system compared to China. 177. The evolution of Blue Cat is illustrative of the transformation that Changsha's animation companies have undergone since 2009. 178. With the growing city, past "prefer the old town,[www.] a bed and not outside the city room" concept has undergone earth-shaking changes. 179. The project that has not undergone or fails to pass the acceptance check upon completion of construction shall not be put into use by the employer. 180. The cell wall has undergone secondary thickening , and is often lignified.