快好知 kuaihz

31. He fought them, one man against a whole company, and his flying spear struck down warrior after warrior. 32. He was banned for seven weeks after a spear tackle and handed an eight-week suspension for biting. 33. Gripping her spear in white hands, she stood gazing at the shadowy Isle. 34. Many are armoured; for the shield may be as important for victory as the sword or the spear. 35. He was then lanced with a spear before his trial got under way, by the order of Emperor Maximilian. 36. He carried a bronze-bladed spear and a heavy Saxon long sword, which he had won in forest combat some years before. 37. One warrior wears helmet with a nasal guard and carries a spear with cross pieces. 38. The raider's spear rested across the pommel of his saddle, first light glinting on its long, polished blade. 39. The negative reaction pushes for avoidance of the traumatic experience, and thus Amfortas is healed by the spear. 40. It was carrying a three-pointed spear in one hand and a rough cloth sack in the other. 41. It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand. 42. He signalled us to keep still as he stood upright, tightening the grip on his spear. 43. The typical crosspiece of the Frankish spear implies the use of the weapon from horseback. 44. She looked at Adam and saw the mark of the spear between his eyes; blood had flowed, streaking his face. 45. Ewan's former opponent, freed for a second, thrust forward with his spear. 46. Between the knife-shaped iron blade and the tapered tail of the spear is a rounded handle made from a particularly hard tree. 47. Your friend jabs his spear right at it, but he misses and the fish swims away. 48. He held his spear gun out in front of him with the safety off and used his flippers to keep facing the fish. 49. At fifty feet he levelled out, slipped the safety off the spear gun, and swam slowly round the coral outcrop. 50. A sudden spear of light strikes across the distempered roof timbers. 51. Its current headquarters is at Harrison and Spear, with additional space in two nearby buildings. 52. No answer came. With a peculiar shiver of fear, he stooped to retrieve his spear. 53. A spear point cut through her fur robes, pierced her skin, then drew back. 54. With a peculiar shiver of fear, he stooped to retrieve his spear. 55. She watched the bright spark of the spear approaching, and felt nothing but a dull kind of relief. 56. At its current pace, the industrial average could spear both of my numbers by the end of next week. 57. As they move forward, Tepilit, without warning, hurls his spear at the district officer from a few feet away. 58. It is being driven forward by a horned deity at the rear, armed with a long spear. 59. Setting his spear aside, he sat down on the grass. 60. He rushed at Ares and hurled his spear at him.