incidentally造句61. After his arrest he was confined in the Tower of London, where, incidentally, his grandfather had been born.
62. The sand is incidentally forwarded to Pilkington's Glass Works in St. Helens in Merseyside.
63. Incidentally, Chandos have greatly improved the presentation of their Collect series.
64. Incidentally, I trust that the fretwire used is up to scratch.
65. The brown sugar, incidentally, gives rhubarb a specially rich flavour and colour.
66. Tumours of this size are not identified clinically except incidentally in surgical specimens removed because of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
67. Their prison was some stables at the rear of a large house, which incidentally, they had to secure themselves.
68. The procedure, Incidentally, can and has been performed on patients undergoing brain surgery.
69. Incidentally, Pedulla supply a superb wood-handled truss rod wrench with each bass - a real touch of class!
70. Incidentally, it also shows us how vastly different is esoteric from ordinary psychology.
71. Incidentally, there is nothing in the pro-gram that recognizes the existence of orbital families and clustering of impacts.
72. Incidentally, why was roly-poly Roy's dressing gown tight on Frank?
73. Incidentally, how nice it was to see Parks keeping wicket for Hampshire.
74. Incidentally Cocker Beck is like an open sewer in many places and this also should be dealt with.
75. Incidentally, that experiment is now also under careful scrutiny in Professor Krauss's laboratory.
76. Incidentally, the good art critic should be the reader's friend in refusing to be impressed by art market prices.
77. Incidentally Nu, which looks so ordinary, is still more luminous and still more remote.
78. Many of the matching, sorting and ordering activities can arise incidentally within the periods of tidying away and clearing up.
79. The symphony, incidentally, will perform outdoors for its final concert.
80. There are private companies who specialize in these services and who, incidentally, also have dedicated people working for them.
81. He was, incidentally, the only applicant who hadn't named the drink St Clements, from the nursery rhyme.
82. The annual subscription is, incidentally, an allowable expense and can be paid by instalment if necessary.
83. Incidentally this clarifies why the man-machine system is such a potent combination.
84. And incidentally may I point out that the proper term for the external female genitalia is vulva.
85. The worm generally has a low pathogenicity, and the majority of infections are discovered only incidentally at postmortem examination.
86. They walked slowly along one wall, laughing and talking and only incidentally looking at the eccentric pictures.
87. This, incidentally, could help with the problem encountered earlier of incorporating unusual crimes such as child abuse in the postclassical perspective.
88. Incidentally it changes its composition considerably between the foetus and the adult.
89. Incidentally, what is the concordance in schizophrenia in identical twins?
90. Incidentally I got that information on the third law from a very reliable source.