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61, She liked her coffee sweet and sickly below a head of warm foam. 62, In the case of our review unit, the final stage was a sheet of dimple foam. 63, But of course the foam system had better switch itself off automatically at low speeds. 64, The sea washed over her, swirling the headscarf into foam that was crimson already. 65, Inside the room, on a floor of crooked planks, was a foam mattress and a television. 66, Brassieres upholstered with foam rubber were produced as beauty aids even for the well-endowed and even for prepubescent girls. 67, Add a mild climate and miles of beaches where sea-birds swoop on their fishing grounds from lofty cliffs rising from the foam. 68, The grypesh swam out after them, and there were battles fought there in a welter of blood and foam. 69, Above: Clockwise from top - Lotus filter and foam; charcoal for chemical filters. 70, Cyprio point out that water should always trickle down through foam not up, as otherwise it will float up. 71, Alternatively, use a rug or foam mat to protect you from a hard floor. 72, We just argued about it loudly and wore the T-shirts and big foam rubber fingers. 73, I had to sleep on a foam pad on the floor. 74, Half blinded by the foam, Christine scrambled for something to grab on to to break her fall. 75, The best are fairly wide to spread the load and well padded - often with dual-density foam. 76, Sleeping on a contoured pillow will achieve the same effect if you prefer sleeping on foam rather than feathers. 77, He was already slathering Miracle Whip on that brand of soft white bread that can double as a foam sponge. 78, Shrieks of mirth issued from her wide-open mouth, and flecks of foam appeared upon her lips. 79, Injected polyurethane foam construction makes boots warm in cold conditions and cool in hot weather. 80, As you continued to measure temperatures, the temperature in the ceramic cup dropped faster than the temperature in the foam cup. 81, A synthetic fibre with a foam or waffle backing is best. 82, Mattress matters Conventional mattresses are divided into interior-sprung and foam models. 83, Her hair was down, making a black foam about her shoulders and setting off her silver circlet. 84, But there was only the sea foam, the muted deadly gurgle of the ledges them-selves. 85, The flaps were screwed to the bottoms of plastic foam blocks shaved into crude canoe shapes. 86, I have a sheet of 1 / 2-inch foam insulation; would that work? 87, Carla took her shoes off and loosed his arm so that she could walk through the lip of foam. 88, The current, usually imperceptible, was making its presence known with little shreds of foam on top of the small waves. 89, The burglars also sprayed the sports hall with fire foam. 90, It's like an adventure playground but everything in it is padded with foam to provide a safe learning environment.