offended造句(151) The rest of the disciples were offended by it and expressed disapproval.
(152) But it was the omnipresent manufacturer's logo woven into increasingly complex designs that really offended the fashion police.
(153) He was offended but also embarrassed that he had taken so long to wise up.
(154) None of the figures for any of the four main channels shows a significant increase in the number of people offended.
(155) I was so offended by her behaviour towards me that tears came to my eyes.
(156) Sir Godwin, offended that Lydgate uses his wife as a vehicle for such solicitation, refuses to help.
(157) Zenia was mortally offended.
(158) We are offended by reports which contradict our views; they require a total structural shift in our understanding of marriage.
(159) She was offended by his brusque reply.
(160) They offended against every article of his creed.
(161) She seemed to be offended at my joke.
(162) If every I offended you, it was entirely unintentional.
(163) John was offended by the doctor flippant attitude.
(164) But the gods are offended by hubris.
(165) Although his wife was offended, he was nonplussed.
(166) He behaved rather bumptiously and offended the hostess.
(167) One day Goering deeply offended Morell by addressing him as " Herr Reich Inje ction Master. ".
(168) Offerings of propitiation, to appease the wrath of an offended God, or to satisfy the demands of justice, have been common in every period of the world.
(169) He have offended me by his coarseness and then overwhelmed me with his delicacy.
(170) None the less was she offended, as a flower by a crisping wind.
(171) Her tearfully, because life pressure is too great, oneself just risk danger in desperation offended law.
(172) Otto von Bismarck, the Iron Chancellor, was once offended beyond endurance by a physician-turned-politician, Rudolf Virchow,[http:///offended.html] and challenged him to a duel.
(173) The parrot calmly stepped out onto David's extended arm and said, "I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions."
(174) Its many frank references to nudity and sexuality offended nineteenth - century notions of decency.
(175) Having offended the emperor, he was exiled to the borderland.
(176) Late on Tuesday, Lario released a statement to the ANSA news agency, slamming the party's alleged election plans as "shameless rubbish" that offended her, her children and women in general.
(177) So we now gonna beat back to whoever offended us in this event.
(178) But he didn't give them to his father right away, afraid that he might be offended. He left the scores on his father's piano.
(179) Some time later, the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt offended their master, the king of Egypt.
(180) My second question is , in your domestic communication practice , if a certain legal person's right of reputation is offended, how will you handle it ?