快好知 kuaihz

151. She repeated the instructions slowly in order that he should understand. 152. The director sat in his chair barking instructions at the cast. 153. Will you kindly obey the instructions I am about to give? 154. You have to follow the instructions exactly, you can't just jump a few steps ahead. 155. His will detailed his assets and gave instructions for their division among his children. 156. If you read the instructions, you'll see where you went wrong. 157. Are there any instructions on how to plant the trees? 158. The safety instructions are in the pocket of the seat in front of you. 159. We were finally given instructions to board the train . 160. By an unfortunate oversight, full instructions do not come with the product. 161. I've read the instructions, but I'm still none the wiser. 162. A copy of the instructions should go out with the equipment. 163. The police who broke into the house were only acting on/under instructions. 164. The kidnappers have given us explicit instructions not to involve the police. 165. It tells you in the instructions not to let the machine get too hot. 166. These fondant decorations are easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions. 167. The jockey followed his trainer's instructions to the letter . 168. They followed the instructions in blind trust that all would turn out well. 169. He was under instructions to guard the key with his life. 170. The chip runs at speeds of up to 100MHz and executes two instructions per clock cycle. 171. Failure to obey a policeman's instructions may amount to an offence. 172. They had helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the house. 173. I can't make head nor tail of these instructions on the packet. 174. The instructions say we should leave it to set for four hours. 174.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 175. Solicitors may not accept instructions in cases where they would have a conflict of interests. 176. He frowned as he read the instructions, as if puzzled. 177. I gave Jim very clear instructions, but even then he managed to make a mess of it. 178. The government has issued specific instructions on reducing waste disposal. 179. He's a bit slow on the uptake, so you may have to repeat the instructions a few times. 180. I've read the instructions twice and I'm still none the wiser.