快好知 kuaihz

61. Sugar decays your teeth. 62. You make wine by leaving grape juice to ferment until all the sugar has turned to alcohol. 63. There sugar - beet plantation areas were expanded to 176000 hectares. 64. Actor John Goodman played Melanie Griffith's sugar daddy in the film. 65. Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree. 66. Add some sugar to the stewed apple?it's still a bit tart. 67. You might need some sugar on the rhubarb - it's a bit tart. 68. Blend the sugar and flour together and see what will happen. 69. With sugar and cream? 70. When the cake is cooked, sift some icing sugar over the top of it. 71. Mother poured sugar out of a bag into a pot. 72. Sugar is the destroyer of healthy teeth. 73. Mix the cinnamon with the rest of the sugar. 74. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. 75. Add one teaspoon of sugar. 76. Wherever possible I use honey instead of sugar. 77. The price of sugar has suddenly skyrocketed up. 78. There's two spoonsful of sugar, and one for luck. 79. Go down to the grocer's and get some sugar. 80. This sugar cane is quite a sweet and juicy. 81. Did you put sugar in my tea? 82. The yeast's growth is activated by sugar and warmth. 83. Sugar is Fiji's second biggest export earner. 84. No sugar for me, please.I went on a diet. 85. Dust the cake lightly with icing sugar. 86. Mix the butter and sugar to a smooth paste. 87. She dissolved the sugar in the tea. 88. She sprinkled sugar on the cakes. 89. He put two spoonfuls of sugar in his tea. 90. Dust the biscuits with icing sugar.