快好知 kuaihz

91. Could you help me to sugar off? 92. Do you have any sugar to spare? 93. Sugar is represented by the simple formula CHO. 94. Beat the butter and sugar until soft and fluffy. 95. He hates to sugar others nor be sugared. 96. Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. 97. He put salt into the sugar bowl by mistake. 98. Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay. 99. Cook for ten minutes until the sugar browns. 100. There was Mrs Bellingham, stirring sugar into her tea. 101. My weight reduces when I stop eating sugar. 102. He sprinkled sugar over his cereal. 103. My doctor has warned me to keep off sugar. 104. Sugar can decay the teeth of the children. 105. Sugar coating hides the taste of pills. 106. I stirred my coffee with the sugar spoon. 107. My doctor has forbidden me sugar. 108. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. 109. The hot coffee melts the sugar. 110. Don't stir or the sugar will crystallise. 111. Honey can substitute for sugar in this recipe. 112. We use saccharin in substitution for sugar. 113. I'll have tea?white, no sugar,[www.] please. 114. She flavored the fish with sugar and vinegar. 115. The glass was rimmed with sugar. 116. He stirred another spoonful of sugar into his tea. 117. Sugar cane is refined into sugar. 118. Oh sugar! I've forgotten my book! 119. We had better buy tea, sugar, etc. 120. She dredged a little sugar over the cake.