快好知 kuaihz

91. It would also have helped to eliminate contradictions between authors such as the use of incorrect units. 92. This eliminates the possibility of the wrong person being updated, and enables the operator to see if any details are incorrect. 93. In a statement, the BBC admitted that it had given incorrect information. 94. Companies do sometimes give incorrect details or omit them altogether on their company stationery. 95. For Mr Johns an incorrect diagnosis led to inappropriate treatment. 96. Once this incorrect impression is accepted and congealed, there is no commanding reason to disrupt the customary rituals of their existence. 97. In many instances, the same incomplete or inappropriate strategy was frequently used, producing the same incorrect answer. 98. It is certainly true that more roses are ruined by incorrect or purposeless cutting than any other cause. 99. It can also be brought on by incorrect or over-feeding, low oxygen levels or sudden temperature changes. 100. The lexical information for the constituent words is probably incorrect in the environment of the compound, leading to errors. 101. Even in revised for, however, their position remains substantially unchanged and clinically incorrect. 102. Bad luck is the result of laziness, bad choices, incorrect decisions and negative actions.Dr T.P.Chia 103. Where a statement is found to be incorrect, Customs will issue a warning. 104. How do we determine exactly where a word should begin and end if hypotheses on either side are incorrect? 105. Another ruled that a grassy lawn was politically incorrect on the grounds that not all children have gardens. 106. This is the primary reason for the incorrect determinations and incorrect nomenclature of many cryptocorynes in the existing literature. 107. If you suspect your meter has given an incorrect reading, you can ask for a check by government examiner. 108. How can be incorrect handstand pose brought about? 109. The target internal file identifier is incorrect. 110. Their statement incorrect we disprove as follow. 111. It's a politically incorrect question, of course. 112. Incorrect use can lead to condom slippage or breakage. 113. Miscue - incorrect striking of the cue ball. 114. To call by an incorrect name; misname. 115. A lackey?Oh, I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect ? 116. Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect. 117. Sort failure. Prevented incorrect extent deallocation by aborting sort. 118. Incorrect cure can make a symptom aggravating instead. 119. The quality of dilution water, which if contaminated leads to incorrect BOD values. 120. The grading of the lexicon can deduce the number of the incorrect entries in the high level lexicon effectively, which makes the translation lexicon more practicably .