快好知 kuaihz

121. Their main reason is improper position, inactive movement, overabundant hand action, incorrect and bad time cover action. 122. To change or falsify ( a text ) by introducing new or incorrect material. 123. A little girl writhes on water face about, I ask what she has incorrect. 124. Quantum mechanics showed classical mechanics to be incorrect for describing the internal motions within atoms. 125. The filename name , or volume label syntax is incorrect. 126. Perhaps the most influential guest has been Thomas Woods, a conservative scholar whose previous books include "The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History" and "Who Killed the Constitution? 127. Arcing balls are inclined to mislead umpires to incorrect judgements. 128. An incorrect setting for this parameter (for example, setting the initial loading of an empty database to DELTA), can result in a number of errors that can cause execution to abort. 129. The anti-taking degating device in substation is an important measure to prevent personal and serious facility accidents caused by incorrect operation in electric equipment running. 130. Based on the BASDA BTH-50 portable color ultrasonic diagnosis project, it aims to make it easy to operate and reduce the incorrect operation rate in weak light. 131. The old password is incorrect. Please retype your old password for the server. 132. The result of this comparison can potentially point to out-of-date statistics — for example, used by the optimizer to select an incorrect access plan. 133. So this article analyse and illuminate incorrect understand and research the financing feasibility of Documentary Collection. 134. Other methods internal rate of return, benefit cost ratio - can lead to incorrect decisions. 135. It is incorrect to say that the progenitor of man is ape. 136. On submission all the errors are listed in a single message or alert box and the user is returned to the first incorrect field using the fields focus() method to correct the errors. 137. Mould should have safety features to protect accidental damage, incorrect assembly and mould. 138. Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods. 139. No politically incorrect xenophobia intended – it's just that nerves got the better of me. 140. If the singer has trouble reaching those notes, Auto-Tune can change the incorrect pitch into the correct target pitch. 141. Especially in engine running-in period before use, correct checking methods should be adopted to avoid the damage caused by incorrect ways. 142. What behavior should they change?Scribble down all your most controlling, accusatory, politically incorrect thoughts. 143. System error 1396 has occurred - Logon Failure: The target account name is incorrect. 144. Incorrect toe-in or toe-out is the most frequent cause of rapid tire-tread wearing. 145. The filename, directory name , or volume label syntax is incorrect. 146. But they are based on na?ve and incorrect assumptions about the essence and history of astrology, and therefore they miss the target. 147. Because of the similar texture of cartridge case, the original feature-based registration has incorrect matches, and the traditional method of removing incorrect matches bears unsatisfactory results. 148. Does anybody know, Tianjin, Hebei District, Admiralty Park, River Street, Haida Ming bottom merchandise to that of Beijing and Tianjin Ticket Center phone number incorrect? 149. Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing. 150. There is a freakish misconception that he is rich, but this is every incorrect.