快好知 kuaihz

1. His novels had a great vogue ten years ago. 2. Short skirts are very much in vogue just now. 3. Cycling enjoyed a vogue at the end of the nineteenth century. 4. Despite the vogue for so-called health teas, there is no evidence that they are any healthier. 5. Black is in vogue again. 6. He did fashion photography for Vogue magazine. 7. Flowery carpets became the vogue. 8. Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women. 9. Suntanning first came into vogue in the mid-1930s. 10. Disaster movies are currently out of vogue. 11. Sixties music has come back into vogue. 12. Scooters have recently come back into vogue. 13. Full - length coats are vogue today. 14. This novel had a great vogue ten years ago. 15. The postwar vogue for tearing down buildings virtually destroyed the city's architecture. 16. "Community" is one of the vogue words of the new government. 17. Pale colours are much more in vogue than autumnal bronzes and coppers. 18. Short hair came back into vogue about ten years ago. 19. No problem. Subtle shades continue to be in vogue. 20. Witness the vogue for lime juice and lime zest. 21. Subtle shades continue to be in vogue. 22. It was not in vogue in Nottingham. 23. Consider the vogue of road rage. 24. Now in vogue are divestment, MBOs,[http://] and break-up bids. 25. Suburban thinking was in vogue, but totalitarianism was better. 26. I read about it in Vogue ... how it makes you lose your memory. 27. "The Castle of Otranto" began the vogue for Gothic romance novels. 28. One tonic that came into vogue was even worse: strychnine. 29. She has had many credits and name-checks in American Vogue. 30. In the 1920s, short hair for women became the vogue.