快好知 kuaihz

181. A new vogue in caps seemed to have set in. 182. Mobile, folding, of glass, ligneous , held to the principle of contemporary vogue, pull move the door, new residence metope as before flawless. 183. Even at Vogue, the bible of edgy fashion , the pants raised eyebrows. 184. Yi Naisi is Korea ambry the first brand, the representing's is the style of brief vogue. 185. The carefully staged black-and-white Steichen pictures that delighted prewar readers of Vogue mostly gave way to color and spontaneity. 186. From the 70's the Restorative Justice is come into vogue, and is extended energetically by United Nations as one kind of new judiciary pattern in the Western countries. 187. Women's fashions change rapidly; what is in style today may be out of vogue tomorrow. 188. When it refers to the value of history, the discussion of this issue among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the last decade. 189. Cheery views such as this are out of vogue and easy enough to dismiss as the ravings of a serial optimist. 190. The theme is back in vogue now that it's World Cup time. 191. Conservative strategies aimed at collecting stock dividends, out of favor for decades, are coming back in vogue. 191.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 192. Writing which is in vogue often has an electric immediacy. 193. Extravagance began to be in vogue, traditional moral ideas collapsed little by little.