disadvantage造句121, Other reactions have concentrated on the issue of the interplay between inner-city decay and racial disadvantage in contemporary Britain.
122, This could be a disadvantage but sometimes served as a motivator.
123, It would put the vertically challenged at a distinct disadvantage again.
124, They may exchange short term financial gain for longterm strategic disadvantage.
125, One disadvantage, however, is that it acquires static electricity, causing it to pick up dirt easily.
126, The major disadvantage of doing so is that the data formats required by the two packages are very different.
127, But even within Clarendon County, Summerton is at a disadvantage because it is so small.
128, The main disadvantage of the method lies in the long periods of time required to reach equilibrium.
129, Tilly and Gustavus had crossed swords several times, generally to Tilly's disadvantage.
130, In a room enlivened by a colony intelligence, visitors are at a disadvantage.
131, The main disadvantage is that political or economic instability within the country may cause problems outside the control of the parent company.
132, The excluded black and white citizens in the urban areas seem set to continue to suffer deprivation and disadvantage.
133, This, combined with discrimination against women, meant that educated women were at a double disadvantage.
134, It was a hot day and Andy must have started with a distinct dehydration disadvantage.
135, However, one disadvantage of a forward contract is that it can not be cancelled without the agreement of both counterparties.
136, Retributive punishment restores the balance by cancelling out this advantage with a commensurate disadvantage.
137, In most cases the only disadvantage of such divisions is that you must pass through one room to reach the other.
138, Artists can be at a disadvantage in group exhibitions as only a small part of their activity can be seen.
139, In this wider sense, the problem of special needs is largely a problem of social disadvantage and poverty.
140, However, it has the disadvantage that there is no flexibility in available space.
141, Commercially, such a rent review clause may work to the disadvantage of either party.
142, The disadvantage of Windows word-processors is that they, together with Windows programs in general, are very demanding of the hardware.
143, The use of discriminatory language can and does disadvantage women and members of ethnic minority groups.
144, The only disadvantage of protein skimming is the loss of trace elements, but these are easy to replace as an additive.
145, Soviet space science suffers the disadvantage of poor technology, particularly in electronics, which is years behind that of the West.
146, Yet with such infrequent investigations, there is often considerable disadvantage for the schools and the children.
147, This suspiciously resembles the city technology colleges, a Conservative initiative that tried to introduce business methods into areas of educational disadvantage.
148, One obvious disadvantage of a telephone survey is that it does not represent people who are too poor to afford telephones.
149, If they do so, however, this would put their own nationals at a competitive disadvantage.
150, Rather than being rewarded by the social security system, that home owner suffered a disadvantage.