disadvantage造句91, The biggest disadvantage to having silk flowers is that they gather dust.
92, The principal disadvantage is that a limited company invariably incurs some additional costs.
93, Many lawyers in commerce and industry are at a disadvantage over Woolf, compared to their private practice brethren.
94, It claims this is putting Britain at an economic disadvantage.
95, She is also hopelessly in love - a considerable professional disadvantage.
96, The biggest disadvantage of her work is the long hours.
97, In this particular case Abraham is at a very distinct disadvantage.
98, The evidence is overwhelming that the unrepresented party suffers serious disadvantage in this forum.
99, There's no competitive disadvantage for them in the Intel decision.
100, Now to extrapolate from this example to a general argument that familiarity of a subject is a disadvantage would clearly be absurd.
101, It was the only time in her life that she had noticed her maternal grandmother at a disadvantage, on the defensive.
102, The main disadvantage is that a computer with a hard disk is more expensive.
103, It may or may not be a disadvantage to use word processors with an in-built calculator feature!
104, Even though God-based religion is increasingly losing its believers in western countries, it is still a social disadvantage to be atheistic in public.Dr T.P.Chia
105, Though normally good-natured and easygoing, Paul hated to be at a disadvantage.
106, Problems of language and skills will place them at a disadvantage.There was, however, no evidence of worry as yet.
107, The disadvantage of a bad debt warranty and indemnity is that all it does is provide a remedy for the purchaser.
108, This puts small inventors at a disadvantage because they do not have entire legal departments to represent them.
109, One of the few local contestants was at a distinct disadvantage.
110, An imagination nurtured among northern latitudes is here at a distinct disadvantage.
111, The main disadvantage of being a nurse is working irregular hours.
112, He was also a Roman Catholic, which in the intolerant atmosphere of the 1920s was a distinct disadvantage.
113, Asked if he thought an over-emphasis on sport could disadvantage black kids in academic subjects, he answered: No.
114, Feminists in particular make much of the social disadvantage under which women suffer.
115, These are urgent issues because the few charities that bend or break the rules put the law-abiding majority at a disadvantage.
116, Exchange rate uncertainty places small and medium-sized firms at a special disadvantage.
117, Like many other black families, his family had to struggle to overcome social and economic disadvantage.
118, Governments sometimes responded by promptly devaluing the currency to offset the cost disadvantage of the wage increases.
119, This is usually around 50 percent, which can be a serious disadvantage.
120, The differences between these two ways of approaching ethnic disadvantage show most clearly in the case of education.