lethal造句241 Hit indocyanine green dye with a laser and it becomes lethal to the critters that cause staph infections, scarlet fever, and other nasty diseases.
242 Nerve Gas - the world's first three types of "Nerve Gas" chemical weapons were developed in Germany: Tabun (1936), Sarin (1938), Soman (1944), all many times more lethal than earlier chemical weapons.
243 Whether you are diving into rocky waters or driving ona narrow, two-lane road with cars whizzing by in the oppositedirection, small mistakes can be lethal.
244 The grades were designed by equal space between logarithm, and the median lethal concentration was computed by Linear Regression.
245 It gives off the gas hydrogen sulfide, which even in small concentrations is lethal. People generally call the gas "sewer gas."
246 Such bursts occasionally deliver in excess of a couple of hundred rem over an hour or so—a lethal dose to an unshielded astronaut. The great flare of February 23, 1956, is a notorious example.
247 In its natural form, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a potent cancer-killer in a number of tumor cell types, including brain tumors called gliomas, but it can be lethal.
248 It is the less- lethal equivalent of a claymore mine.
249 High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.
250 Neutronbombs are meant to kill tank crews by lethal irradition.
251 In 1995, a Scottish anaesthetist was convicted in Zimbabwe of the deaths of two infant whom he had injected with lethal doses of morphine.
252 A third copy of any other chromosome is lethal, as a person gets 1.5 times the dose of the genes on it, knocking the chemical balance out of kilter.
253 On June 19, the group retaliated with a lethal attack on a government security compound in Aden that left 11 people dead and said the "brigade of the martyr Jamil al-Anbari" carried it out.
254 Tasmanian devils have for some years been plagued with a mysterious and lethal cancer. Now, the dog-sized mammals are fighting back: They are breeding at younger ages.
255 Obviously there would be exceptions. Filleting knives, which turned out to be the most lethal of all, certainly need their tips.
256 A combination of the Mushrooms and the Varham's Aqua Vitae, this lethal liquid will leave their bodies completely disabled while you choose their fate.
257 M. why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
258 Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is much rarer than ADPKD and is often lethal. The signs and symptoms of the condition are usually apparent at birth or in early infancy.
259 Containment of highly lethal Ehola virus a serious public health challenge.
260 Cameron, an ex-president of the World Psychiatric Association, chose Montreal's Allen Memorial Institute to conduct potentially lethal experiments on non-US citizens.
261 Conclusions The primary cause for acute lethal myocarditis fulminate area in Yunnan is probablely enterovirus infection.
262 Steven Soderbergh's thriller about a lethal virus that sweeps across the globe killing millions in its path held its star-studded premiere at the Venice International Film Festival on Saturday.
263 Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a potentially lethal complication but early clinical diagnosis and careful clinical management by experienced physicians and nurses often save lives.
264 Mars has no ozone layer to screen out the Sun's lethal radiation.
265 In a real gunfight, you are only going to be about half as good as you are on your best day on the training range, simply from the stress of a lethal encounter.
266 Potentially lethal complications include hemorrhage, infection, and air embolism, therefore surgical resection is usually performed.
267 His command of irony and invective was said to be very classic and lethal.
268 HARPY is a lethal UAV designed to detect, attack and destroy radar emitters.
269 Similar pig farms exist in the United States, and have been blamed for the rise of lethal, drug-resistant staph infections.
270 Another university student had used his barbed cilice belt more often than the recommended two hours a day and had given himself a near lethal infection.