快好知 kuaihz

61. Unfortunately, determining the physical properties of an asteroid be-fore its impact is quite challenging. 62. Gender is also a particularly important factor in determining whether or not individuals are supported or prevented in their attempts to live independently. 63. What makes the failure devastating is that education is probably the most important factor in determining human development. 64. But there is no identifiable general principle determining which acts of government require positive legal authorization in order to be lawful. 65. Arthur Andersen was requested by Benzina management to provide assistance in determining the value of the petrol filling stations. 66. The purpose was to discover precisely how important qualifications were in determining their occupational chances. 67. A thorough knowledge of such conditions is essential when determining the most advantageous international payment methods for your business. 68. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and Wilson disease were excluded by determining serum concentrations of alpha-1 antitrypsin and ceruloplasmin, respectively. 69. Lead is mainly excreted by the kidney hence urine or whole blood would be appropriate specimens for determining lead exposure. 70. The customary thwack on the bottom is still the best method for determining doneness. 71. Three determining factors were identified how bad the Z-Score, how steep the fall and how many years at risk. 72. Traditional methods of determining such risks have limitations: human operators can become tired and can be distracted. 73. Meanwhile the opinions of newspaper proprietors played a disproportionate role in determining politicians' views of what the public wanted. 74. But I think this will go a long way in determining where we are going. 75. Different schemes have different ways of determining how members' pension entitlements are calculated. 76. To provide financial information useful for determining and predicting the economic condition of the governmental unit and changes therein. 77. Data from the 1990 census indicate exactly how crucial higher education is in determining earning power. 78. So it will be obvious that we have considerable flexibility in determining the size of parachute. 79. My loving parents are determining my future, with only my best interests at heart. 80. However, it is a helpful way of determining whether any lessons can be learned for future projects. 81. One must have regard to the potential for legal expenses when determining the ultimate extrajudicial settlement figure in any case. 82. In determining what is a legitimate interest the librarian can safely rely upon one guide only - the law of the land. 83. They are evaluated and yet play no part in defining the criteria, determining the methods, or controlling the process. 84. In determining whether the City Code applies it is the nature of the target company which is relevant. 85. Ideology has been one major determining factor in the strategic approach adopted by unions. 86. Determining motivation in any human endeavor is a murky matter, but two motives stand out: making money and making law. 87. After two weeks I discontinued them after determining they were not significantly improving morale. 88. Finally, the reforms aimed to shift the balance of power in determining use of resources from hospital doctors to general practitioners. 89. This again serves to highlight the importance of the cut-off point in determining estimates of illness prevalence. 90. The Department of Employment does not gather such figures, especially under the new scheme of determining unemployment statistics.