determining造句151. He said those details include determining where and how firefighting and emergency medical equipment will be dispersed throughout the city.
152. Given consumer tastes, product prices are of fundamental importance in determining consumer expenditure patterns.
153. In the classical theory of comparative advantage(Sentence dictionary), there is no role for government in determining the location of industry.
154. We should not abandon the search for a better way of determining pay for all health service staff.
155. The frontispiece can sometimes provide another piece of valuable evidence in determining the edition or issue of a book.
156. Section 0403 below sets out the procedures to be followed in determining if a client is a corporate finance client.
157. Tax planning and accounting objectives are frequently of crucial importance in determining an appropriate form of consideration.
158. While there is no third party mechanism for determining this, the breakdown into bilateral relationships will continue.
159. It could be charged with the task of determining priorities for primary care funding.
160. One of the best methods for determining significance of change is the technique of graphing.
161. These regional differences in trade patterns are important in determining regional attitudes to alternative arrangements for allocating scarce foreign exchange.
162. They answered questions about, for example, determining key indicators in their area and about getting everyone involved in quality improvement.
163. Such difficulties of determining the impact and the timing of adjustment make generalisations about trade policies elusive.
164. Factors such as temperature and acidity play a crucial role in determining how well the process works.
165. This is a serious omission, given the importance of sentence lengths in determining the overall size of the prison population.
166. Finally, price is important in determining the relative standing of one product or product line vis-a-vis another within the product mix.
167. It must evaluate the input signals, determining the strength of each one.
168. Party loyalty used to be a powerful force in determining legislative action.
169. The successful application of competition to increase value for money should be an important factor in determining performance pay.
170. The relationship between these factors in determining the spatial distribution of the elderly is unknown and probably varies historically.
171. Of particular relevance in determining whether to accept an acquisition engagement are: Engagement risk.
172. The Bill deals with the treatment of asylum seekers and procedures for determining their claims.
173. In the past, national presidents have imposed their will on the party, not only determining policies but leaders.
174. Alternatively, judges might become deeply involved in determining budget policy, including whether Social Security or Medicare checks should be stopped.
175. Smoothly synchronised endocrine function, an intrinsic factor in determining youthfulness, is also notoriously liable to become unbalanced through stress.
176. He argues there are only two exemptions in the Endangered Species Act for not determining critical habitat.
177. The federal formula for determining funding amounts, Atha says, is based in large part on unemployment rates.
178. Only the most senior officials may be in a position to have some impact upon determining their own interests.
179. You will get a good sense of his professional expertise, as well as determining whether the chemistry is right.
180. Answer guide: There are two main reasons why estimates are used in determining absorption rates.