快好知 kuaihz

1. Civilization is on the brink of apocalypse. 2. Several leading scientists are predicting an environmental apocalypse. 3. The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution. 4. But I am sure that nothing in Apocalypse or the Bible as a whole indicates that such will be the case. 5. Beware of his dark and deadly Apocalypse. 6. It's Ride of the Valkyries from Apocalypse Now. 7. Soviet Apocalypse Tank has a Repair Drone. 8. I am the one horseman of the Apocalypse. 9. Another year of this apocalypse crap? 10. Michelle: You mean " The Apocalypse "? 11. Apocalypse Now ( 1979 ) - No, not the ritual sacrifice of a caribou at the end. 12. The fourth chapter focuses on the apocalypse and a second think of patent pools. 13. Jim David : I'm a soldier of the apocalypse, man! 14. Does Apocalypse Now, set in Vietnam and directed by Francis Ford Coppola, meet with your approval? 15. And the experience and apocalypse its bringing to us are also worthy of studying, summering and making use of. 16. Says Napier, it's "really ... about psychological apocalypse -- about generations and ... an internal sense of unease and concern about the future." 17. A lot of investors now fear a stock market apocalypse. 18. The book offers a vision of the future in which there is a great nuclear apocalypse. 19. An artist was finishing a vigorous painting of the Angel in the Apocalypse coming from the rising sun. 20. Perhaps the most conspicuous flaw in reports of ecological apocalypse is lack of information. 21. I remember having an extraordinary experience watching the film of Apocalypse Now. 22. The shares are extremely good value for investors, short of a stock market apocalypse. 23. However, for those in the higher echelons of government it was a period of seemingly near apocalypse. 24. Boyle has always liked to play circus barker for life's extremes, and what better freak show than the environmental apocalypse? 25. The reference to Death on a pale horse in the Apocalypse, and the shoemaker? 26. And the heavy-metal lyrics and art exhibits already symbolizing the millennium with images of imminent apocalypse are more gloomy than rational. 27. This declared that the whole affair was' a godsend, a windfall, an apocalypse for Mr. Ruskin. 28. I was certain something like it would come, something like an apocalypse. 29. We live in the age of the final , ultimate Apocalypse. 30. After specialising in oily villains, he found overnight stardom as the Argentinian hero of the first world war epic The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (1921).