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31. Be Apocalypse tank inside the successful police could it be said that? 32. We live in the shadow of the apocalypse, of a catastrophe that will mean the end of the world itself. 33. The international modus operandi of government procurement and its apocalypse. 34. He has occasionally referenced the Vietnam War and war movies such as Apocalypse Now. 35. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse were War, Plague, Famine and Death. 36. Their sense of apocalypse entered my sensibility and I wrote letters home that must have seemed half-crazed, about some terrible gathering force that would blow everything away. 37. Apocalypse tanks are the primary beneficiary of Grinder Treads because in secondary mode, the Apocalypse Tank gains health from "Grinding" its target using its Magnetic Harpoon. 38. Hear Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries in the movies Apocalypse Now, The Blues Brothers, and Full Metal Jacket. 39. This paper comments on the latest literatures and summarizes related apocalypse. 40. Valentino had already become a star some months earlier with his dazzlingly erotic tango in 'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, ' but it was 'The Sheik' that launched him into the stratosphere. 41. Palm trees remind me the bombing scenes in Apocalypse Now. 42. Actually, the movie Apocalypse Now was what did it for me. 43. Even as a kid, I had nightmares of nuclear apocalypse. 44. A discussion on the distribution law of outburst seam in the two walls of the normal fault has a certain apocalypse to the geology. 45. In the last place, it reveals the actual apocalypse from the profound lessons. 46. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. " Apocalypse Now, 1979 " 47. For instance, since we already know that 9/5 was a Monday in 1994, it is easy to deduce that September 6, 1994—Harold Camping's no-show apocalypse—was a Tuesday. 48. The latest household name to draw attention to the crisis is Francis Ford Coppola, director of the Godfather trilogy and Apocalypse Now. 49. If you don't have a crusher crane, and you have a sickle, bullfrog, or apocalypse tank which is almost dead, recycle it by leeching its weapon and applying it to the hammer tank. 50. After Graffiti you were going to direct Apocalypse Now. Why did you do Star Wars instead? 51. By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse. 52. The fourth chapter focuses on the apocalypse a second think of patent pools. 53. It's just a long, long text that's set to music but that text is drawn from "Apocalypse, " The images of "Apocalypse." 54. The paper deals with the content, characteristic and apocalypse of these thoughts. 55. Famed US actor Dennis Hopper, who starred in such cinematic classics as "Easy Rider" and "Apocalypse Now, " during a career spanning more than half a century, is dying of cancer, AP reported. 56. You've got to feel sorry for the authors of those "2012 apocalypse" cash-in books, though, haven't you? Oh, wait, no, you haven't. 57. It has abundant thoughts and connotative animadversion, surging tensile force of life, gives profound sociological apocalypse and admonitory thinking on journalism and communication science. 58. It'll be a global apocalypse, and Christina's just too prideful and unstable to accept that. 59. Originally human, but the pollution of the devildom have mutated their bodies after apocalypse. 60. On the scale of media-freak-out irrationality, superbugs have more credibility than the Large Hadron Collider apocalypse, for example, but they're not even up there with swine flu.