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121. At first it feels cooler and then it begins to feel like a greenhouse: sultry. 122. Take 3in tip cuttings from overlarge plants, and keep in a frost-free greenhouse, conservatory, or windowsill. 123. An average car emits five lungfuls of poisonous carbon monoxide gas per mile. Carbon monoxide is also a powerful greenhouse gas. 124. Ultimately, an effective greenhouse treaty will need the voluntary co-operation of sovereign powers. 125. Developing countries are expected to account for half the worldwide emission of greenhouse gases by 2035. 126. Three out of four home owners expressed concern about the greenhouse effect. 127. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, each molecule trapping 25 times as much heat radiation as one molecule of carbon dioxide. 128. We need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 60 %. 129. But it might contribute to global warming because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. 130. These can add considerably to the cost of setting up a greenhouse, so make detailed enquiries before you buy. 131. Focuses on urban ecology, social equity, land conservation, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental quality. 132. If these products replace those derived from fossil fuels, it will make a significant contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect. 133. Greenhouse varieties are sown in early March; those for outdoors in late March or early April. 134. The combined cooling effect is estimated as being only about one-fifth as powerful as the overall warming caused by greenhouse gases. 135. Neither can we guarantee that everywhere on Earth will be warmer as the greenhouse effect progresses. 136. Another greenhouse has been landscaped to show succulents and cacti in a natural setting. 137. But scientists increasingly believe that it is one of the chief pollutants responsible for the greenhouse effect warming the planet. 138. The Committee also outlined tough recommendations on how greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced. 139. Water vapour is a naturally occurring greenhouse gas but the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere is affected by human activities. 140. Background A tax on carbon-producing fuels such as coal, gas and oil has been proposed to help counter the greenhouse effect. 141. The pilot was saved by his ejector seat ... and by smashing through a greenhouse full of tomato plants. 142. Agriculture, deforestation and the other secondary sources of greenhouse gases are critical to many. 143. A theological college is a narrow world, frequently compared to a greenhouse. 144. Robert Maxwell reassured shareholders and the world at large that he had turned his giant mind to the greenhouse effect. 145. Because polyanthus are more difficult to germinate, start them off in seed trays or pots in a greenhouse or cold frame. 146. However, no such action was to be credited against any forthcoming national required reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. 147. Another excellent chapter deals with the greenhouse effect and ozone depletion, which Brennan admits is a personal hobbyhorse. 148. But while resolving one puzzle about the greenhouse effect. his analysis also raises new concern about its future influence on mankind. 149. However, humanity could survive a glacial; its chances of surviving a runaway greenhouse effect are much more slender. 150. In greenhouse or field, pollen and egg from wild tomatoes were tested for the ability to cross with cultivated plants.