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31. All these gases are potent greenhouse gases. 32. History 2, greenhouse plus aerosol forcing. 33. But water vapour is also a greenhouse gas. 34. Carbon monoxide is also a powerful greenhouse gas. 35. Global warming is otherwise known as the greenhouse effect. 36. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the earth's atmosphere. 37. In the greenhouse birds flit among the plants. 38. Bring into the greenhouse or conservatory next February. 39. Nitrous oxide Six percent of the current greenhouse effect. 40. First, the space available for siting the greenhouse. 41. Finish tidying beds. Make room in the greenhouse for first batches of potted roses. 42. A layer of gases, including those which are known as the greenhouse gases, surrounds the Earth. 43. Cliff is the cook, and loves the job, especially as he can use produce from the greenhouse and herb garden. 44. Some computer models suggest greenhouse gases may increase world temperatures from two to seven degrees Fahrenheit over the next fifty years. 45. The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them. 46. These are the greenhouse effect, the destruction of the ozone layer, and acid rain. 47. Unlike the greenhouse gases, which spread evenly across the globe, sulphur dioxide's effects are short-lived and regional. 48. Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough. 49. Ever tighter regulations are being introduced to protect the environment from emissions contributing to the greenhouse effect or acid rain. 50. They contribute 14 percent of the greenhouse effect and are increasing at the rate of 6 percent a year. 51. More than 160 nations signed the framework treaty, which commits governments to curbing emissions of greenhouse gases. 52. The buds do not develop in greenhouse conditions; nutlets in this species are not yet known. 53. The protocol aimed to cut emissions of greenhouse gases to a few percentage points beneath levels a decade ago. 54. Scientific and technological advances will help the world deal with greenhouse gases, but not for a hundred years or so. 55. Greenhouse gases are produced by a large range of natural and man-made processes throughout the woAd. 56. The answer is that the greenhouse effect is very weak on Mars. 57. We use an upwelling-diffusion energy-balance climate model to simulate the effects of greenhouse and solar forcing over the period 1765 to 1985. 58. The Greenhouse Effect is now the e world's most pressing environmental problem. 59. The Parasene Warm-Lite is an attractive lantern which can provide light and heat in a greenhouse or garden shed at minimal cost. 60. Home energy efficiency is increasingly seen as a route to a reduction in national greenhouse gas emissions.