快好知 kuaihz

1. One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate. 2. He is now respectability incarnate. 3. That enemy officer is a devil incarnate / an incarnate fiend. 4. The media cast him as the devil incarnate . 5. The leader seemed the devil incarnate. 6. My aunt is generosity incarnate. 7. She is evil incarnate. 8. Queen was happiness incarnate. 9. Then you must incarnate what others incarnate. 10. And he is incarnate in us all whenever we are in converse with each other, instructing or mercifully helping. 11. Was the future of the Rabari incarnate in this young man? 12. Some people think he was the devil incarnate; others think he was a great social critic. 13. Truly great leaders such as Oppenheimer seem to incarnate the dream and become one with it. 14. Why should God become incarnate as a male? 15. The villain was a fiend incarnate. 16. Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens! 17. The pharaoh is Osiris, the moon bull incarnate. 18. Jesus, Word of God Incarnate, of Virgin Mary born. 19. Incarnate. You make some psionic effects permanent. 20. The goodness and love of God incarnate at Bethlehem. 21. The process of brand creation need incarnate in each project construction process. 22. The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate. 23. His strong left - wing views make him the devil incarnate to more extreme Conservatives. 24. He thus challenged authority simply by declaring that he was al-haqq, truth incarnate. 25. The longtime congressman from Texas was cast as Democratic evil incarnate. 26. She would represent herself as an angel of light and make her kind master and benefactor a devil incarnate. 27. The mental vibrations are also expressed in the aura which every incarnate being has around it. 28. With their mix of male and female imagery, snakes are sexuality incarnate. 29. Analysis of these factors can help us to dispark files better and also incarnate its value better. 30. In the language of the Fathers and the Councils of the early church, Jesus Christ as the incarnate Son of God unites human and divine natures in his own single person (hypostasis).