快好知 kuaihz

151 He deftly explains how many seemingly pleasant private decisions lead to distinctly unpleasant public results, such as increased economic segregation. 152 Other fears may be caused by unpleasant shock or injury. 153 Liquid Valium Anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state that differs from related states such as fear, aggression, and confusion. 154 We are, unfortunately, stuck with the huge, unpleasant, and often downright ugly school buildings that we have. 155 My attention is drawn back to the unpleasant here and now by a banging gavel: thunder shakes the firmament. 156 When work had to be done, we all pitched in, even when the task was unpleasant. 157 But it is not an unpleasant place, low-rise, with most rooms in verandah-ed cottages overlooking garden courtyards. 158 Birmingham is still declaimed as smoky, grimy, unpleasant and philistine. 159 One man who admired her and followed her everywhere was the unpleasant Bentley Drummle. 160 Body odour Like halitosis, body odour can be extremely unpleasant and embarrassing. 161 He had a distracted, drowned look, which was most unpleasant. 162 Throughout history, herbs and spices have masked odors and unpleasant flavors. 163 When you turned the machine on, the plastic started smoking and created an unpleasant odor. 164 Voters deserve an opportunity to hear unpleasant alternatives fully debated and aired. 165 All this has come as an unpleasant surprise to Hong Kong's officials. 166 Again, the owners of these brand names have a strong incentive not to surprise you in an unpleasant way. 167 Most unpleasant having something like that hanging over your head. 168 When the going got rough the brothers usually sent a deputy to face the unpleasant hostility to which they would be exposed. 169 Negative emotions, such as the feelings of hatred, meanness, low self-esteem and confidence, and pessimism, create an unpleasant person and a bleak destiny.Dr T.P.Chia 170 Many general practitioners will know the unpleasant effect that a broken phial of dextrose has on the inside of a medical bag. 171 She squelched along in the muddy ruts left by the cattle, avoiding other more unpleasant tokens of their passage. 172 Such an unpleasant and unanticipated development radically changes the situation, and further and more profound explanations are clearly called for. 173 They say unpleasant things about young people today, but I find them so helpful. 174 The stench filled the street, making shopping very unpleasant, and Environmental Health Officers received numerous complaints. 175 It was an unpleasant shock to discover Bentley Drummle there, but I could imagine his reason for visiting the area. 176 I didn't say so, because the idea was too unpleasant to be clothed in words and made visible. 177 There was an unpleasant odour blowing along our road all next day. 178 I thought how unpleasant it is to be locked out; and I thought how it is worse, perhaps, to be locked in.Virginia Woolf 179 But it's pretty unpleasant, especially for Dad, to have all this raked up. 180 The engineers were located at both the home office and the construction site, with an unpleasant journey between the two places.