快好知 kuaihz

181 Margot's outburst created an unpleasant atmosphere and most of the guests left early. 182 He was conscious of feeling cold in the van and of the unpleasant smell of petrol. 183 In spite of the name, the flower does not have an unpleasant smell. 184 We have launched a public appeal to raise the £120,000 total needed in order to put this whole unpleasant episode behind us. 185 Her cream shoes were far from waterproof, and already she could feel an unpleasant sensation around her toes. 186 This was diagnosed as impetigo, an unpleasant and contagious affliction. 187 This short-tailed shrew can inflict an unpleasant bite with the help of spittle from its venomous salivary glands. 188 Cancer drugs often have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and loss of hair. 189 What falling ill means to a cat, or any other animal, is that something unpleasant is threatening it. 190 Some probably were highly enjoyable, while others were unpleasant but had to be tolerated. 191 They frequently have to deal with awkward and unpleasant problems which may or may not be of their own making. 192 Nevertheless, taken on balance, if you possess unpleasant chemical properties, it pays to advertise. 193 Maybe I secreted some hormone that gave the average Tellenorean a violently unpleasant feeling. 194 The simple truth is companies with large central data processing facilities will still need these unpleasant, draughty, noisy rooms. 195 One way it can start is through a childhood trauma - a sudden unpleasant shock involving a cat or a kitten. 196 The octopus, he discovered, could learn to distinguish such shapes and patterns and avoid those coupled with the unpleasant experience. 197 It is more like something surgical - the unpleasant shape of stumpy enigmas. 198 His bare feet scraping on the gritty cement pavement made such an unpleasant sound that Fakhru decided not to follow too closely. 199 However unpleasant these flows are to scramble over when cold, it is very instructive to watch them when hot. 200 Where Pavlov used pleasant stimuli, others have used unpleasant ones such as electric shocks. 201 Local authorities in industrial Teesside received many complaints about an unpleasant odour resembling decaying fish. 202 Personal experience, if it happened, would have left them with a deeply embedded memory of an acutely unpleasant incident. 203 All unpleasant, especially to a small child, but usually of brief duration and causing no lasting damage. 204 For example, an unpleasant acquaintance of his used part of Maurice's hold as a repository for stolen goods. 205 He has an unpleasant habit of gloating whenever he wins at tennis. 206 He had to admit that it was not unpleasant to be taken in hand by some one so positive and avuncular. 207 Quite often a series of progressively unpleasant interchanges will take place with the child becoming more obstinate and the parent more angry. 208 The silver pince-nez gave him the air of a rather unpleasant schoolmaster. 209 Bombing, he asserted, was the way to avoid the unpleasant decision to send combat troops. 210 The cellar was a very unpleasant place, dusty and full of small scurrying insects.